I went back to my estudent and you don't quite have to email them but you don't call them. here is what you do:
click on "Need Help?" which for me is the second heading down on the left hand side.
click "contact estudent support"
scroll down and it says "I need to ask a question about" click...
it's where you can download ilectures to your subjects, and depending on whether the lecturers like to use it it may also have notes or other information about your subjects on it
You have been reassured.
The Australian deal is a great deal (pick up the Australian during the week on campus, get it delievered Saturday and get the Telegraph delivered on Sunday for the year until the end of uni) and the SMH have a similar deal but it costs $20 or $25 which is still great...
Oh, for that I think you should write up the subjects you have as if it was on the other piece of paper. They might get you to rewrite one when you go to enrol or they might not care if it is written up neatly.
You don't have to buy texts tomorrow if you don't want to.
Which is sort of my point. It's the number of subjects that matters and doing 5 subjects is a lot, where as 4, no matter what the cp value, will be a lot less. With what you said in mind, how do they choose how many cp a subject is worth?
35 hours of work plus 11 hours of uni is 46 hours. That is more than a full time job and you need to find time (a lot of time) to study somewhere there. I think it would be hard but you can give it a shot.
I have done 13cp with 4 subjects and there was no noticable difference because I was still doing the basic 4 subjects. So I hate to say it but I really think that although only 1cp more than what I did, it would be very noticable because it's an extra subject. But if you're not working and you...
Ah, well I actually meant tickets to normal sessions are $11.50 (not $10.50) but thanks for giving me the credit :p. So it's $11.50 for silverscreen every day? And the SAM diary are trying to advertise tell us we're special because we're part of SAM and that we can only use the discount on Mondays!
Yes, but what you just posted shows that you are registered so it sounds like whan you have done is right. To contact estudent support you have to email them.
Click on the lecture and check that it says you are registered, then click on the tute and do the same thing. I will check my estudent in the meantime to see what it should say.
edit: I can't find the page on my estudent! Estudent shouldn't be wrong. I am confused as well.
Yeah. See, my advice would be - don't worry about being ahead, people get HDs without it. But I don't know what types of marks people who are ahead get. I would also say that to be 'ahead of the people in your course' all you have to do is keep up, that will give you a head start.
Download them now before they get taken down.
As for being ahead, if you really want to be ahead you could read the text before the lecture. I don't think the issue is being ahead though, it's not falling behind because everyone seems to be behind. But I don't know, maybe the people who top...
Note that silverscreen tickets are only cheap on Mondays. And the normal student price is $11.50 if I remember correctly, so it's a free upgrade. Great deal.