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  1. santaslayer

    Do YOU have an ipod?

    I have the 20GB one... so does my sista,,, except mines farked up...
  2. santaslayer

    How to resolve this problem

    She won't hate you if she doesn't see you. At all. Forever.
  3. santaslayer

    :: Cute Ways To Kiss ::

    Lick their lips then soflty blow on it.--chill factor Or you could share an icecube/candy around.
  4. santaslayer

    A question for the men of the forum

    Why can't you just do it with a shemale? At least it's 'more' realistic.
  5. santaslayer

    Help me survive law

    Find enough time to actually digest the content. Time is what I find hardest to cope with. (Since it takes you 2 hrs to read 2 pages). Therefore 1hr/page. Say we read 60 pages a week (which is an understatement)...= 60 hrs/week. 60hrs/week x 13 (ours is 13 anyway)week semester= 780...
  6. santaslayer

    Hotmail Passwords

    You have to be "invited". alternatively, you could beg. :p
  7. santaslayer

    Fire Alarm during exam

    You have no grounds for consideration since, as Jess has pointed out, you were all in the same boat. You could, however, remind the school in future to be much more considerate and alter their times for fire alarms so it doesn't disturb people who are in exam conditions. Or you could ask the...
  8. santaslayer


    I would, if only she would do so. Persuading her will take some time...and effort.
  9. santaslayer

    who here does legal studies and wants to go into law?

    There is no prereq for uni law and the basic foundations of HSC legal studies will be covered in full within the first few weeks of the uni course. The way you structure a response @ uni is very different from a HSC paper.
  10. santaslayer

    UNSW Compsoc Installfest April 9

    I told a friend about it. Whether she goes or not I dunno. My names Chris.
  11. santaslayer

    for all those.. usyd or unsw is the best

    A lot of BoS members have attemtped to explain the point addressed in the link already. It had to take an article from the paper to legitimise such claims.
  12. santaslayer

    M O T I V A T E M E

    I'll have sex with you afterwards..... SIF. :p
  13. santaslayer

    Which termantor did you like

    1) Whasssa "termantor"? 2) Where's the poll?
  14. santaslayer

    MSN Messenger 7.0 final

    Any differences to the BETA version? Currently d/ling. :)
  15. santaslayer

    To sleep or not to sleep

    That only happens in movies. You watch too much of it. I have no problems with it, in fact, I think it's a large part of many guy's fantasies/hopes and dreams. lol.
  16. santaslayer

    Would you go out with someone for fun?

    I don't think anything in a relationship is absolute. I wouldn't mind going out with someone initially even though I thought they weren't "marriage material".
  17. santaslayer

    Hotmail Passwords

    There's a "Forgot your password?" section in Hotmail.
  18. santaslayer

    AVI. file extension

    aaghahahhaaa...LoLz EDIT: "Someone thinks you are an idiot because you were too stupid to check Google before asking a question. They gave you a link to this site as a joke. The fact that you followed it pretty much proves the point. " :(
  19. santaslayer

    Bail hearing before or after committal hearing?

    That's what I'm thinking. If i've read the question correctly.
  20. santaslayer

    Uni Info? :-)

    You can always do a year at TAFE or at another uni/course and then transfer afterwards provided that your marks are substantial. Post your question in the uni-general forum to get better answers. :)