oh wells, at least bubz's avatar is pleasing to the eye.
(Can't say much about yours though WW :p)
EDIT: OK, I see you edited the list from 2 to like 10 people
What's wrong with UTS?
Anyway, they will require a combination of your UAI and present uni marks. (GPA).
The exact answers are in the "Transfers" thread which you posted in.
You choose your 9 choices in order of your preferences, or you won't get your 1st choice.
You do it so that even though your 1st choice UAI is lower then your second. You will not automatically be accepted for the 95.00 UAI course if it is your second preference or below. (or vice versa) ie. It...
3. Can I use Google Web Accelerator with a dial-up connection?
Dial-up users may not see much improvement, as Google Web Accelerator is currently optimized to speed up web page loading for broadband connections.
Crap. :p