Honestly, find other girls. There must be something in the personalityof these types of girls that you are attracted to, they all seem to be too casual, not serious enough about the relationship.
lol ok.... too much information for me...
what is the minimum amount of years for any degree that you could get a PhD in? Hypothetically, the minimum to me seems like 3 years bachelor + 1 year honours + 2 years PhD = 6 years?
...let the argument continue for the sake of anyone who understands
I am also pretty sure it is one day, why would you need to go for 3 for pre enrolment, it would be a waste of time and the uni wouldn't expect people to waste 3 days (they know people want to do the bare minimum).
This information is not because I want to do it, I have always been hazy about the postgraduate system
Do you always have to do a doctrate before a PhD? I never hear people talking about them. EDIT - been answered
Yes honours and masters confused me. People I have talked to said...
If you're thinking about someone else you can't be into your gf the way you would like to be. It's the truth, if you're always looking for better or always wishing they were someone else then they aren't for you.
How does postgraduate study work? What are the levels? How long does it take to attain each? Which order are they attained in? Why is it possible to get a Masters without Honours. Can you get a PhD without Masters? How are they graded (first class ..)?
I'm worried about the same thing. I guess I will keep up to date with my word first and foremost, but I will not let myself waste all my time on it. I intend on working more and using the time to do anything I have ever wanted to do - this will be my last year with so much free time.
I have been considering this for around 4 months now. I have come to the conclusion that a memory card would be great, as would the ability to store songs on the memory card and use the phone as an mp3 player. A nice colour screen and a decent camera. Size is important and the smaller the...
put it at the back of your tongue and take a medium sized gulp of water. unfortunately the main way to learn is to practice, hopefully you won't ever get the chance to practice. btw, some tablets can't be swallowed with certain drinks so be careful