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  1. iambored

    do n e of u have curly hair

    you're sure to see him again, you'll find out how he knew your name one day
  2. iambored

    places to buy mobiles outright

    i didn't know they had a site about it? i have had a mobile for around 5 years and i have never spelled out my words the other way ;)
  3. iambored

    starting relationships

    everyone said everything i wanted to say to this. also if you don't respect that she is taken she is not going to ever want to go out with you
  4. iambored

    do n e of u have curly hair

    it's not me, if he really snickered at you thats slack of him, if you've seen him in psych maybe he knows you from there. he could even be a lurker.
  5. iambored

    Marriage + Uni

    because there are so many more responsibilities. it is different to a b/g/f imo because it's more serious because you are binded by the contract.
  6. iambored

    starting relationships

  7. iambored

    Big W job

    tina424, yes keep ringing. If they don't know your face I don't think it can hurt.
  8. iambored

    Boost Juice Bars

    or really funky, most of them have the outgoing, teenage look.
  9. iambored

    what if.. (more depressing threads)

    lol no, I got the idea off a few things, including the thread about a partner dying. i don't mean to be pessimistic, just realistic in that it could happen to anyone.
  10. iambored

    what if.. (more depressing threads)

    I mean nothing would change as in, I am 99.99% sure I would stay with them. A lot would change in day to day life.
  11. iambored

    what if.. (more depressing threads)

    I agree as well. You're meant to be there for them through everything. I would be so upset if something like that happened to me and a partner left me, that's the last thing you need, ever, after something like that has happened. But damn, your whole life would change, depending on what...
  12. iambored

    what if.. (more depressing threads)

    This is a really depressing topic. I don't even feel like posting it. But what if something happened to your significant other that made them physically or mentally disabled. Including situations where it is so severe that their whole functioning was changed. What would you do?
  13. iambored

    Ignored :(

  14. iambored

    Ignored :(

    No it wouldn't have been selfish of you. If he wants to be in a relationship he doesn't have the right to have casual things on the side even if it's a long distance relationship. He 'nearly kissed a girl' and felt so bad that he ignored you? It sounds suss to me. Sorry to be cynical but...
  15. iambored

    Marriage + Uni

    i agree the mentality is different, but as for an impact on uni, it would mean the same thing to me. while at uni, whether i had moved in with a partner or was married, it would impact my uni life in the same way, so i would find it hard to do either while being at uni
  16. iambored

    DON'T send your resume...

    i'm at uni ;) so I have done 16 subjects so far When I was in highschool I used to just list all of them I think I will just list relevant subjects, or find a way of grouping them
  17. iambored

    Target interview

    ^^ wtf? Practice the "give me an example" questions next time. Look at the people working there, a lot of them are nothing special, that's why it sucks when they turn perfectly good people away, maybe they had filled all the places by the time your interview came around
  18. iambored

    Target interview

    :( that sucks, what do you think you did wrong? or what were the questions and some of your answers? (you might have a case of what i did - the very first interview i went to i answered the questions and thought nothing of my answers but now that i know what real answers are supposed to be like...
  19. iambored

    DON'T send your resume...

    in a resume, do you list your subjects? what if the subjects show you have an interest in the area of the job? I can't list all my subjects because there are too many, but I feel dodgy listing some under what heading, relevant study?