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    Journey to dental school (ongoing)

    Or the UCAT discord chat, there’s so many helpful mentors on there
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    should these guys be allowed to publically celebrate australia day?

    Sylvia brought it up bro I’m just as confused as you
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    Journey to dental school (ongoing)

    so proud of u for getting in!!
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    should these guys be allowed to publically celebrate australia day?

    Keep in mind that Palestine never agreed to the 1917 Balfour Declaration ANYWAYS. So how on earth do u think its fair to thrust a group of people in a country that rejected the claims of establishing modern Israel 3 decades later, ofc there'd be unrest
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    should these guys be allowed to publically celebrate australia day?

    Oh my lord this inaccuracy is insane 😭 if you’re going to talk of African nations enduring civil wars then please do ur research, ur either ignorant or simply don’t know of the American involvement in causing chaos in countries like Sudan and DRC.
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    Inform unis of rejection?

    report spam 💕✊
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    not even that far fetched atp with the rate that the cutoff keeps rising every yr
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    What are my chances of success?

    jesus take the wheel
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    1) yes. Ppl who say otherwise are rare. 2) somewhat, depending what uni u go to (some unis are more intensive than others) and what’s ur undergrad degree into med (eg med sci at unsw compared to arts at usyd)
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    tutoring recs?

    how about acehsc? some of my friends did bio/phys there but they said it neither helped nor hindered
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    tutoring recs?

    does anyone know if AtarN0tes is any good? (why tf did it get censored *********)
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    tutoring recs?

    hii my sister (yr 11 this yr) is doing maths advanced and chem, does anyone have recommendations for good tutoring centres that do online sessions? i know of a few but i just wanted to hear if anyone has specific experiences with particular centres, like who to steer away from or something...
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    USYD Bachelor Of Science & Doctor Of Medicine

    Yeah most of my info is from talking to students/unis and thru handbooks by GEMSAS and AMA (for undergrad and postgrad med), idk I guess u just learn more as u inquire
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    USYD Bachelor Of Science & Doctor Of Medicine

    this might be unwanted advice but i would do vet bio if i were u, med sci is a trap that so many students fall into bc a) its hard to get a high gpa in a competitive atmosphere that's composed of ppl like u wanting to do postgrad med and b) lack of employment opportunities after studying this...
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    Help with Uni Course Choice

    Sry which bit did u want sources on? Because most of what I know are from unis themselves and med handbooks from GEMSAS or medical board of Australia, I can send any of ur questions to ppl Ive spoken to if ud like
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    Help with Uni Course Choice

    @its_ace21 if u don’t make a skull emoji I’m gonna start barking and biting.
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    Help with Uni Course Choice

    Bach Arts (psychology) is 3 yrs. We’re arguing over stupid shit, that’s enough. If you can’t stand the fact that other ppl have differing views to yours, then this isn’t the forum for you.
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    Help with Uni Course Choice

    Again, it’s not tru that doing premed gets u into med “faster”. Not a single degree (other than pathways perhaps) gets u an accelerated entry into med. And I’m saying all of this as someone who HAS spoken to uow and is part of the IHMRI society.
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    Help with Uni Course Choice

    I agree w what Liam said, psyc and pharmacy give u a good snapshot of working in allied health/the med sector with pretty good employment opportunities while or after u study. I think it would also be easier to get a high gpa in these degrees than at premed, bc premed at uow is not only...
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    Help with Uni Course Choice

    In the nicest way possible I couldn’t give a single shit about your credentials, I worry for the students you teach and advise if this is the type of false information you’re spreading. There’s a huge dilemma across the medical student society, so many traps that prospective students fall into...