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  1. N

    Preparing for year 12 english

    read ur prescribed texts. my hsc is in two weeks and i haven't read 1984 yet but don't do that
  2. N

    Progress Logbook (NO OFF TOPIC PLS)

    just got 62% on a math adv test wtf am i doing wrong
  3. N

    RolePlay Thread

    what is happening
  4. N

    Bio papers

  5. N

    kinross wolaroi '22 p1 question

    nah see that's what puts me off bc one hsc marker gives me a 12/20 and the other gives me a rlly high mark even tho they're both senior markers???
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    idk i think i did this question before and did well bc cystic fibrosis patients can also spread other bacterial/viral diseases to non-CF individuals due to their thick mucus being ideal for growth of pathogens
  7. N


    amongst cystic fibrosis patients it is??
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    talk abt cystic fibrosis --> infectious --> use crispr-cas9 tech to prevent it from even being expressed upon birth and talk abt diabetes --> non-infectious --> gene cloning tech to produce masses of insulin in bacteria to manage insulin levels in diabetic patients
  9. N

    Trial Papers

    idk man i mean i could finish it in arnd 2-2.5 hrs but i just get shit wrong 💀
  10. N

    Trial Papers

    ME TOO BRUH i just did syd boys '22 today and did so shit its embarrassing
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    Progress Logbook (NO OFF TOPIC PLS)

    i was being sarcastic too
  12. N

    2023 HSC chat

    okay i wasn't asking u then.
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    Progress Logbook (NO OFF TOPIC PLS)

    take the compliment
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    2023 HSC chat

    u should watch dance moms ud love it
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    2023 HSC chat

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    2023 HSC chat

    has anyone done the '23 syd boys maths adv paper?
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    kinross wolaroi '22 p1 question

    yeah and howd u go in mod b?
  18. N

    kinross wolaroi '22 p1 question

    thank you for sharing ur an angel thank you so much!!! no man its kinda hard to do it when i don't even understand the text at all