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  1. N

    2023 HSC chat

    im graduating tmr idk how to feel
  2. N

    2023 HSC chat

    after the marathon?
  3. N

    2023 HSC chat

    it was a joke. hush. SCHOLARSHIP MAN SCHOLARSHIP
  4. N

    2023 HSC chat

    last time i went to an afterparty someone threw up on my shoes before they passed out idk if i want that again
  5. N

    2023 HSC chat

    I've seen her legal teacher and my god i don't blame her (the embodiment of sportacus I'm telling u)
  6. N

    2023 HSC chat

    see ever since u got told ull be a billionaire u think everyone's tryna get in ur pants
  7. N

    2023 HSC chat

  8. N

    2023 HSC chat

    aint nothing but a heartache 😔
  9. N

    2023 HSC chat

  10. N

    2023 HSC chat

    we'll do it together
  11. N

    2023 HSC chat

    jump off the harbour.
  12. N

    2023 HSC chat

    mine was purple don't gaslight me
  13. N

    2023 HSC chat

    it was purple and white i loved it so much it was so pretty
  14. N

    2023 HSC chat

    alr billionaire...
  15. N

    2023 HSC chat

  16. N

    2023 HSC chat

    u rlly shouldn't be asking me that question right now
  17. N

    2023 HSC chat

    hold on it hasnt changed for me do u need to do a software update or sum
  18. N

    2023 HSC chat

    did u send this ss to just show what subjects u do
  19. N

    2023 HSC chat

    but everyone's drinking and idk, not my scene but idk if ill regret not going yk
  20. N

    Paper 1 comprehension tips

    just say visceral imagery or judacious language or extended metaphor (like just embellish basic ass techniques) u don't need anything too over the top, no one cares abt epizeuxis and all that ish