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  1. N

    Progress Logbook (NO OFF TOPIC PLS)

    1.7 - cried bc i was so convinced that my dad married minaj in Germany but it was a dream (yk when a dream feels SO real that it feels abnormal to just move on with ur day???) - English trial paper 1 and 2 (i forgot how bad i am in short answers fml) - chem mod 8 self-learning
  2. N

    MECHANICS Q: Is this a valid proof :p

    i was gonna say casper the friendly ghost but... okay its okay we're not all perfect
  3. N

    Do you need to memorise the exceptions to the octet rule?

    never in my course of hsc chem have i used the octet rule
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    MECHANICS Q: Is this a valid proof :p

    excuses, who threw it a mf ghost? 😭
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    2023 HSC chat

    when even are they?
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    MECHANICS Q: Is this a valid proof :p

    ur case is chipped on the corner too wtf did u bite it??
  7. N

    Subject selection

    for a hsie subject do SOR or SAC, they're pretty chill and the exam content isn't too overwhelming compared to other hsie subjects like history
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    2023 HSC chat

    idk if its worth it, i was just gonna ask
  9. N

    volume of the solid of revolution around y axis

    its not even that bad 😭 i think its just the pen
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    Progress Logbook (NO OFF TOPIC PLS)

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    prelim content in the hsc

    umm i think just a bit for chem (but just basic knowledge like stoichiometry, ppt reactions, flame tests) but to my understanding, only maths explicitly tests prelim content in the hsc exam
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    hsc ninja (esp for chem) has questions by syllabus dot point (some questions are from the old syllabus tho)
  13. N

    Subject selection

    standard and advanced scale practically the sm as well, do adv then drop if need be
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    2023 HSC chat

    do not use my religion against me i stand by bibble
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    nmr spec - chemical environments?

    wait what even is it
  16. N

    nmr spec - chemical environments?

    ohhh oml that makes sense I'm sry i prolly sound rlly dumb rn but my school just isn't teaching for shit I'm self-learning everything 😭