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  1. N

    How to calculate your ATAR from trial/past paper marks

    don't think he's the only one mate
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    and ur full of it
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    no one important.
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    Rural entry question

    no mb i know i was just taking the piss 😭
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    he takes care of sheep, at least he's useful what r u
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    Rural entry question

    wym it must be good, u get like 10 extra points what more could u ask for
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    School and LGBT

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    School and LGBT

    ur outnumbered by premingers. give up.
  9. N

    School and LGBT

    okay but then that just means gay ppl don't wanna be Muslims or live in a Muslim country... who cares?
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    School and LGBT

    umm I'm pretty sure ppl are doing more than blindly converting to Islam bc darling tate said so... and tf u mean cool and masculine bruh religion aint a trend 😭
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    School and LGBT

    nah cuz i don't think ppl are converting after reading one page from the Quran 💀 (or any religion for that matter)
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    School and LGBT

    God 🔛🔝
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    School and LGBT

    "Do they align with the cultural values? Do they align with the text itself based on their own unbiased interpretation?" i think this implies that converts don't know where their intentions lie 💀
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    School and LGBT

    idk man im just replying to ur stuff idk where the convo was headed anyways loll 💀
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    School and LGBT

    its acc funny that u think that there's no way that all these ppl would convert to Islam bc they believe in its true meaning, rather it has to be that they're being coerced into it or they don't know what they're doing
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    School and LGBT

    ... idk what ur point is. as a follower, its not my job to interpret the Bible, I'll leave that up to the religious authorities and follow their teachings?
  17. N

    School and LGBT

    like im just speaking from my perspective as a Christian, it kinda wouldn't make sense that Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world if its as oppressive as u say, ur telling me all these women are converting to Islam bc its oppressive?
  18. N

    School and LGBT

    I've gotta disagree here, i don't think its malleable in meaning at all. i reckon it dictates very clearly what is and is not permissible, the culture chooses to do anything in the name of religion (doesn't mean that religion condones it - so how is the religion the problem?). seems like u have...