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  1. N

    Does NESA print HSC in colour? and more

    is it that bad 😭 idk I'm doing fine ig, trust me if i had a reason for eas id def exploit it 💀
  2. N

    Does NESA print HSC in colour? and more

    the girl yelled at me in front of everyone for chewing a mint in the test 😭
  3. N

    Does NESA print HSC in colour? and more

    no they do the sm for us as well and get external guys to "stimulate the hsc atmosphere" it was the scariest shit in the world
  4. N

    2023 HSC chat

    u forgot to be friendly
  5. N

    2023 HSC chat

    mf u just got here
  6. N

    What is everyone studying the day before/day of their trials (Morning)?

    that was me but trust u gotta eat something otherwise ull throw up from embarrassment of ur stomach growling rather than the stress. at least keep some water next to u in the exam to keep u hydrated, stops u from feeling nauseus. have some mints and gum w/ u as well
  7. N

    What is everyone studying the day before/day of their trials (Morning)?

    don't do this to me rn it was a low point in my life and I've overcome it, I'm a better person.
  8. N

    Proof that anyone can do anything literally right now.

    i thought i was summoned for a sec but I'm just dyslexic
  9. N

    ucat tomorrow

    this made me depressed
  10. N

    Running list of key examples for Bio Trials/HSC

    eucalyptus send those hormones to its roots to strengthen its walls LISO SOMETHING lignin it was lignin, it stimulates hormones to produce more lignin to strengthen its cellular walls to structurally guard against pathogens in soil
  11. N

    ucat tomorrow

    nah some ppl started today 💀
  12. N

    2023 HSC chat

    sarcasm. it was sarcasm.
  13. N

    2023 HSC chat

    they just poured their heart out and all u can say is "no." don't even worry about it, whats done is done and there's no point stressing abt "what ifs" till after u get ur marks. the whole point of trials is to test ur weak points and put u into the mindset of what the hsc will look like, its...
  14. N

    2023 HSC chat

    no it very much does 😭
  15. N

    2023 HSC chat

    WHYS HE GETTING MAD don't butcher urself over plant examples, just memorise like 2 and ull be fine (eg closing stomates - link to hormones in plant - for transpiration = boom 4 marks done easy)
  16. N

    2023 HSC chat

    nah I'm kidding, uve been prepping like crazy its acc gonna pay off, don't lose ur groove just bc english is over get off bos and revise over bio for tmr
  17. N

    2023 HSC chat

    r u waiting for me to contradict u nooo don't say that ofc ull do amazing! just believe in urself, u got this 😍
  18. N

    2023 HSC chat

    u just started ur exams bruh 💀
  19. N

    2023 HSC chat

    ur inflating his ego