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  1. N

    How does Ka/pKa and Kb/pKb relate to acid/base strength??

    high Ka doesnt mean equilibrium bc Ka isnt a measure of eq, u generally use Ka equations for weak acids because they don't completely disocciate so u cant just plug the [H+] value into -log[H+] to get the pH, if that makes sense. but u can do that with strong acids. so for weak acids = use Ka...
  2. N

    How does Ka/pKa and Kb/pKb relate to acid/base strength??

    WHAT i think ur mixing it up with something else Ka = how readily sum disociates high Ka = disociates so readily its crazy = strong acid strong acid = HCl = dissociates completely into H+ and Cl- = therefore the high Ka is justified HCl ≠ equilibrium rxn
  3. N

    How does Ka/pKa and Kb/pKb relate to acid/base strength??

    huh no they have like rlly rlly high Ka values
  4. N

    RolePlay Thread

  5. N

    Summary of arrows for reactions - when is it equilibrium?

    don't take my word for it i might be wrong, we weren't tested on it so i never practiced it
  6. N

    How does Ka/pKa and Kb/pKb relate to acid/base strength??

    yep exactly right, the higher the Ka the more readily it dissociates which makes sense for strong acids compared to weak acids and fml i just realised i got a question on that wrong in my trials
  7. N

    Summary of arrows for reactions - when is it equilibrium?

    yeah i think its double arrow for net ionics
  8. N

    How does Ka/pKa and Kb/pKb relate to acid/base strength??

    high Ka = strong acid. Low pKa = strong acid. think of it like [H+] concentration vs pH, high H conc = low pKa
  9. N

    Summary of arrows for reactions - when is it equilibrium?

    well yeah generally w/ ppt or dissolution equations there's a double arrow from the solid to the disassociated ions
  10. N

    Titration set up

    yeah so u get the most accurate conc.
  11. N

    Acid/Base theory clarification

    oh shit i totally misread ur post i swear I'm dyslexic
  12. N

    Acid/Base theory clarification

    yeah u should check with ur teacher specifically tho bc some schools only got to go thru half of mod 7 before their trials but def memorise it just in case arr limitations: yeah so that ammonia ammonium rxn is bc his theory couldn't explain the amphoteric nature of substances. he also couldn't...
  13. N

    RolePlay Thread

    okay wonderful keep going I'm reading
  14. N

    RolePlay Thread

    are we in America rn
  15. N

    RolePlay Thread

  16. N

    RolePlay Thread

    in what world.
  17. N

    RolePlay Thread

    i thought u meant mine and i started laughing, damn he's changed a lot then
  18. N

    RolePlay Thread

    ben 10 back at it again
  19. N

    NSG 2020 questions I got wrong - could someone please walk me through them?

    ud think they woulda returned him by now