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  1. N

    RolePlay Thread

    its not a joke anymore, I'm calling 000
  2. N

    NSG 2020 questions I got wrong - could someone please walk me through them?

    considering they're mistakes that are pretty easy to fix over a short amt of time, its not like ur totally clueless abt the content. u got this
  3. N

    NSG 2020 questions I got wrong - could someone please walk me through them?

    it wouldn't be common ion effect bc ur just adding more of the magnesium sulfate solid (that has the radioactive stuff in it, isotope i think), ur not adding another different substance
  4. N

    NSG 2020 questions I got wrong - could someone please walk me through them?

    what but the MgSO4 thing like wait how do i include equations in here here, solid dissociation
  5. N

    NSG 2020 questions I got wrong - could someone please walk me through them?

    whattt i was taught that it was an organic comp
  6. N

    NSG 2020 questions I got wrong - could someone please walk me through them?

    okay WAIT that mgSO4 thing solution is in an equilirbium system right so WHEN YOU ADD MORE SOLID THEN itll dissolve bc the forward and reverse rxns you know keep going and therefore altho its a sat solution the radioactive shit will end up in both the filtrate and the residue as per the ongoing...
  7. N

    NSG 2020 questions I got wrong - could someone please walk me through them?

    wait shit ur right the answer should be 3 then
  8. N

    NSG 2020 questions I got wrong - could someone please walk me through them?

    nah its organic bc of the C-N bond (like if there's a C-O or a C-H bond)
  9. N

    NSG 2020 questions I got wrong - could someone please walk me through them?

    for question 9, i think the only organic ones would be the propanoic acid and the HCN
  10. N

    RolePlay Thread

    no please no
  11. N

    2023 HSC chat

    why the fuck would hydrogen chloride be an organic compound. it doesn't even have carbon in it.
  12. N

    2023 HSC chat

    u talk shit about them like ur praying for their death pipe down
  13. N

    ext2 English - do we have to do adv eng

    fuck latin. who even speaks it apart from like the queen or sum, and she died too look how that turned out for her
  14. N

    2023 HSC chat

    lovers is a bold term ammonium, careful he's gonna throw up once he reads that
  15. N

    2023 HSC chat

    womp womppp terrible ass simile, no wonder the ext eng students have an upper hand on u, its that easy