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  1. N

    Progress Logbook (NO OFF TOPIC PLS)

    1.7 - had work (yes, good on u sandra for calling me at 8am then getting mad over the phone bc i said it'll take me half an hour to get there). - did a mod c creative (my teacher is gonna crap all over it again i just know it, he's too liberal) - chem tutoring 2 hrs - did some econ before...
  2. N

    Sequences and Series Question

    what fight bruh 😭 k u win 😍💪
  3. N

    How to improve in Skills tasks?

    ooo yes and its always important to pinpoint the difference between accuracy and precision, and reliability and consistency. with analysing graphs, u should talk about: strength, direction, trend, relationship, type. do not, pls, do not graph with a pen. i got like 2 marks taken off bc i was...
  4. N

    How to improve in Skills tasks?

  5. N

    How to improve in Skills tasks?

    fr chem and phys skills tasks r disgusting 💀 bio skills exams are just weird, asking u to dissect a cow's eye in 5 mins...
  6. N

    Sequences and Series Question

    i haven't looked at the question in detail so idk? we weren't taught this method at all so I'm not sure whats ur point
  7. N

    How to improve in Skills tasks?

    r these skills tests for something like geo? bc i know that they have internal tasks for theory vs skills exams
  8. N

    Sequences and Series Question

    no doubt that adv students should be able to solve basic algebra questions, I'm just speaking from personal exp that adv students opt for methods of solving these questions other than subbing for u (like it was done in the above question, 6 + r^4 = u). didn't think it was that big of a deal?
  9. N

    Sequences and Series Question

    my point was that only our ext class learned abt u subbing, the adv class doesn't use it.
  10. N

    Should I drop physics?

    its literally like that for the entire science department, then they act surprised when the mean marks for internal assessments r so low
  11. N

    Sequences and Series Question

    dw i got it lmao, my class calls subbing by u the 'u rule'
  12. N

    Sequences and Series Question

    r u supposed to use the u rule for math adv?
  13. N

    GPs quit jobs

    np here it is:
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    GPs quit jobs

    no i said what i said, nothing more is needed.
  15. N

    GPs quit jobs

    ppl who say rizz have severe skill issues
  16. N

    self study 4u in yr 11?

    the acehsc website has so many free resources (past assessment and summary notes), thsc has a lot of past papers too
  17. N

    GPs quit jobs

    nahh pethmin u cant say shit then delete 💀💀💀
  18. N

    GPs quit jobs

    so tru forgot u were the exception,, so easy for u to 99.8 without working hard at. all!!