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  1. N

    Could I get a 99 ATAR with these ranks?

    no but its okay bc u have rural adjustment factors 😍
  2. N

    Could I get a 99 ATAR with these ranks?

    im here tryna figure out how yall have more than 50 ppl in ur english cohort
  3. N

    Maths Advance Marking

  4. N

    2023 HSC chat

  5. N

    2023 HSC chat

    don't pay attention to me 😔 I'm... I'm just a loser 😱🥺 because... I'm not like the other boys. i guess u could say... I'm, I'm different 🥺🥺🥺
  6. N

    Maths Advance Marking

    so when ur school rank is an indicator of ur cohort's academic capability... what is that then used for? if its not used in hsc mark calculations, then whats the significance of going to a high ranked school?
  7. N

    Tutoring Help - Whats the best approach

    yes well in that case ur goal isn't a 99 atar, ur goal is to not get deported 💀
  8. N

    Maths Advance Marking

    ^ I'm wondering as well ngl, why does ur school ranking affect ur atar?? why does it matter if u go to a bad school or james ruse
  9. N

    2023 HSC chat

    i think if we continue paying attention to him, we're just giving him what he wants
  10. N

    Tutoring Help - Whats the best approach

    having a tutor doesnt gaurantee u a high atar. they may help u with techniques n whatnot, but in the end its all up to u. a tutor doesn't make u 'get motivation,' nor do they make u 'study better.'
  11. N

    science subjects

    unless it says in the criteria: "answers the question clearly and concisely", then you should be fine. they don't subtract points or negatively mark.
  12. N

    Progress Logbook (NO OFF TOPIC PLS)

    sry i was just pulling ur leg its fine 💀 no but ur right I'm just having trouble with figuring out that some patterns have a black arrow that turns grey when triangles of multiples of three are present in the circle 🔫
  13. N

    Progress Logbook (NO OFF TOPIC PLS)

    why am i so embarrassed that someone in yr 10 knows more than me abt ucat practice
  14. N

    Progress Logbook (NO OFF TOPIC PLS)

    nahhh tell u what, if i knew that abstract reasoning required patterns then my god i would have nothing to complain abt
  15. N

    Progress Logbook (NO OFF TOPIC PLS)

    ALL OF THEM (abstract reasoning is just a death wish tho)
  16. N

    Progress Logbook (NO OFF TOPIC PLS)

    20.6 (yesterdayy) - cried bc im gonna fail ucat 💀🫶 - 2 hrs english (EXCUSE ME??? ONCE AGAIN WTF IS EVEN PROVIDENTIALISM) - 40 mins econ before giving up and accepting that imma fail the trials
  17. N

    Progress Logbook (NO OFF TOPIC PLS)

    19.6 - 2hrs math (mostly stressing abt trials) - 40 mins ucat practice - 30 mins english (wtf even is king richard atp) - literally 10 mins chem revision for trials before giving up bc i forgot what gibbs free energy even means
  18. N

    creative writing tips for English please help

    yeah we only focused on imaginative and discursive