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    Human Rights.

    Hey im doin human rights n im doin the case studies of Augusto Pinochet and the East Timor case study if ne has notes and would like 2 swap plz contact me! thnx. :p
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    Re: Lolly Workplace Hey im doin workplace n i got notes galore wana trade? email me at thnx ciao!
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    Re: BA Psych Well ive researched options available n ive realised that it seems beta to do a Bachelor of Liberal Studies, Arts, Science, Social Sciene coz they give u wider career options whereas if u choose 2 do psych alone ull study only that. Liberal Studies gives u a wide variety of...
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    Workplace Help!

    Hey! I dnt know exactly wat 2 include in my workplace essay if anyone can PLEEEEZ fwd me an sample essay on workplace email send it 2 me at thnx! n Good luck! :confused:
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    Re:Personalities... Yup i meant BOS paper...n 2 tell u the truth i think the germany questions and the personalities r guna be a killa! ARGH! :chainsaw:
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    25 Mark Essays - Help!!!

    Well the 25 marks is allocated according to the way u answer the question and how relevant ur response is.. i had an assessment on family n i got 24/25 4 it n i got 20/25 4 my family which i guess is ok but 4 my trials i got 21/25 for my family, jst write EVERYTHING u know bout the topic dnt...
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    Applying 4 Psych! Hey there! Well hopefully im planning 2 do psych ive applied but ther are many different courses available 2 do it. U can get do a Bachelor of Sciene, Arts or the one that ive applied to a Bachelor of Liberal Studies and then in ur 4th yr u can choose 2 major in Psych BUT if...
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    WELL....Basically ur guna have 40 mins 2 write on ur personality so jst write as much as u possibly can, jst thought id let u guys know that ive been told by several history teachers that thers a big possibility that the BOA mite jst switch the question around from last yr's paper swap wat the...
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    ARAB-ISRAELI i hate this subject! its so boring! I agree with tha basil84 dude! germany was beta although i cnt say i found it eazy, wats killing me is the fact that i saw in a SAMPLE PAPER a specific question on the war in 1982 the israeli invasion of lebanon! we study a whole chapter n have 2...