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  1. FesuY

    #2022 HSC Chat

    greatest tv show ever made
  2. FesuY

    Class of 2021, do you have any comeback moments during your HSC year?

    Thats true, but I got 50% despite actually putting effort in the assessment and sending a draft. Im worried about this, cause the teacher who marked my assessment gave me useless feedback that wasnt beneficial, and I feel clueless on what I did wrong.
  3. FesuY

    #2022 HSC Chat

    hopefully, but unfortunately we live in NSW which is run by a bunch of shmucks so another lockdown is bound to happen
  4. FesuY

    Class of 2021, do you have any comeback moments during your HSC year?

    i got 50% of my first english assessment, is a band 5 still possible?
  5. FesuY

    how does it work??

    besides english, yes
  6. FesuY

    HONOUR ROLL Out Early??

    same haha
  7. FesuY

    how does it work??

    I did shit in year 11, will this greatly affect my chances of getting early entry.
  8. FesuY

    Mark Estimate

    probs a band 4 or 5 even. band 2 and 3 seems really harsh
  9. FesuY

    Easy Piano Songs for my kids?

    runaway by kanye west
  10. FesuY

    2u maths for UNSW CS

    Oh ok, I guess the video was outdated then.
  11. FesuY

    2u maths for UNSW CS

    I read somewhere on a similar thread that you can take an easier math course for all semesters in the first year, and take additional holiday classes to allow you to be on par with everyone else on the second year. Also, this video should explain everything about the right math course for first...
  12. FesuY

    Guide for Early entry into UNSW or USYD

    Im not disadvantaged and my school is loctaed in a fairly high scoioeconomic area yet my school is eligable. So many other non-disadvnataged schools are eligbale for it as well like prariewood which is half selective
  13. FesuY

    Guide for Early entry into UNSW or USYD

    oh ok, cheers Jimmy
  14. FesuY

    Guide for Early entry into UNSW or USYD

    Do bonus points still apply after gateway? For example lets say I get accepted into UNSW with the gateway program and I need an 81 ATAR instead of a 90 to get into my course, but I did not get 81, instead I got a 79 instead. However I got a band 5 in adv maths which gives me 3 bonus points...
  15. FesuY

    is this normal

    Probably a glitch
  16. FesuY

    Happy New Year everyone!!!

    Happy New Years! New years resolution is to hit the gym, study harder to get into a decent university and stop being socially awkward fuckwit.
  17. FesuY

    How does the UNSW gateway program work?

    How hard is it to get the gateway offer, considering there are like 370 schools eligible for the program?