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  1. xD LOL xD

    Words you've come to despise...

    QTF :uhhuh: Particularly maths questions with "hence" eg "HENCE find the value of/integrate/evaluate..." when you can't figure out the question in first part!:mad1:
  2. xD LOL xD

    Rainy day Application of Series question!

    I might be interpretting this wrong but isn't interest charged monthly on the loanable amount, then the loan is paid back in "5, yearly instalments?":confused:
  3. xD LOL xD

    chemistry teachers mistakes

    :eek: GTFO!! Some actually did that at my school, they broke in and stole my chem exp and our acids so we're borrowing it from other schools. :mad1:
  4. xD LOL xD

    Rainy day Application of Series question!

    That wouldn't be right then:p What's the answer?
  5. xD LOL xD

    How was your school day?

    I love essays :D
  6. xD LOL xD

    Is this true?

    :wave: Hahaha, teachers tend to be a little more lenient when it comes to marking. So maybe;)
  7. xD LOL xD

    Is this true?

    Here's my understanding of it. I was told by a senior marker at some maths lecture (can't remember if it was ext 1 or 2) but if you provide 2 answers for the one question, they will mark both of them. Let's assume one is perfectly correct and the other one is totally wrong. They will give you...
  8. xD LOL xD

    How was your school day?

    Sure about that?:confused: Today I had an interview for a scholarship, that I didn't want (well not really, really anyways:p), by one of the most arogant people I have ever met! Yesterday he told my friend who had walked up to him to ask about the uni(and that's all they said), (I wasn't...
  9. xD LOL xD

    National Chemistry Quiz:

    We didn't even know about the chem quiz until the morning of it! Would have liked to have done a practice... It was challenging.:uhhuh:
  10. xD LOL xD

    How was your school day?

    "We welcome you to the neighborhood... sing 'fa la la la la la la la la la la'" "fa la la la la la la'" "From now on you'll be history... you'll be his-you'll be his-you'll be history!" We're not all as odd as Sam, I might add.;) Drive ins? I've seen them in movies, does that count...
  11. xD LOL xD

    How was your school day?

    I'm a clutz who now has a tender burn on her hand.:o:(
  12. xD LOL xD


    I like your custom caption, "just smile":D I think most people are going to be a little anxious but the best you can do is prepare well(/study hard) and hope for the best.:):)
  13. xD LOL xD


    UMAT's coming up too. I'm thinking some wanna be under-grad med students are going through what you're going through ie done the prep courses, hoping it'll be worth it. I wish them all the best.:D
  14. xD LOL xD

    After Trials

    Re: no school after trials I'll be at school ...and asking for holiday classes. *feelings of insecurity about not finishing courses on time:eek:*
  15. xD LOL xD

    all my assignments

    I commend you. BoS needs more people like you :uhhuh:.
  16. xD LOL xD


    My fat pen that I got from UNSW doens't work. :(