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  1. T

    english assigment help PLEASE

    looking at all those views and not 1 reply of help REAL MATURE GUYS REAL MATURE
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    english assigment help PLEASE

    so for my assigment i have to use a movie ive watched in class the shawshank redemption and then recreate it with my own theme, i need to show it with visual techniques can anyone help ME
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    Catholic studies

    teachers being a bitch and won't let me change
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    Catholic studies

    does anyone have some info on this stuff so i can feel more easy about it
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    yes im going to fail
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    Catholic studies

    really? so if i dont try at all fail all the catholic studies exams it wont affect my UAI at all at the end of yr 12?
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    thanks so much you've saved me
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    anyone willing to share some notes on business studies? topic 1 i heard they got some notes somewhere on the boardofstudies website but i cant find
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    Catholic studies

    if im in a class full of dumb cunts do i get scaled down?? does catholic studies affect my atar?