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  1. W


    uno u love it ;)
  2. W

    ads on BOS

    lets say its a informative ad... :p... but yeah i wish they had this last yr... it sounds so promising.
  3. W


    plagiarism... haha the irony of someone who actually commits it, but not being able to spell it! mate... tenacity is the only thing that would pay off later on in life, and "you" my friend, lack that, and not to worry 'bud' ;) we'll be seeing you being caught red handed next time you...
  4. W

    Yr12 Major Work Suggestions

    Controlled Versioning System, like a repository that keeps track of your source code and any new and old revisions.
  5. W

    Maths Seminar

    bahh laz if only u had this running last yr :p
  6. W

    Fear of relationships

    Why would you have a fear of a relationship? I mean yeah surely one day it will come to end the relationship, it's inelluctable at times. If everyone was afraid of relationships based on the aforementioned, then i'd be seeing a pack of singletons in public. I think people need to start...
  7. W


    HAHAH u ass collin, omfggggg M face sold my laptop to someone in fucking UK haha.
  8. W

    Yr12 Major Work Suggestions

    Games are like the most overrated and unoriginal idea SDD students do. So far only one member here, who's on my MSN list is making something that's simulataneously appealing and worthwhile, a CVS system.
  9. W

    The Bourne Supremacy

    i saw it on the opening night, seriously its crap haha i swear.
  10. W

    Yr12 Major Work Suggestions

    really depends on your teacher...
  11. W

    Yr12 Major Work Suggestions

    yeah perhaps VB is the way to go... i don't quite see why would C++ help you out more, it's powerful in respect to the fact that you have more control over things, for example memory allocation can be handled all upon yourself.
  12. W

    bullshit or not?

    A pass is all that's needed for a competancy task in most cases, heck i don't even remember of having frekin marks for tasks, it was either comptetant, not yet comptetant or developing.
  13. W


    hospital haha you fuck, i use to say it like that too :p
  14. W

    2004 independant trial

    haha what? i never asked about algorithms on neowin! :p... i asked vb i remember, and that's about it.
  15. W

    whts avg age of getting laid in au?

    haha, our nation's populated with kids who are geared towards wee wee lurrrvin.
  16. W

    ieee 754

    I remember the Excel study guide was good at explaining the IEEE conversion, give that a little look as well.
  17. W

    Microsoft Windows Media Player 10 Goes RTM, Build 3646

    Microsoft's Windows Media Player Version 10, has gone RTM, with a build number of 3646, will be made officially downloadable from their Windows Media website tommorow, however for you keen people here is a link to it: here's a screenshot of it:
  18. W

    Comp Science vs IT

    It's distinction average for adv BCST, a friend who does it told me.
  19. W

    Microsoft security chief uses Firefox

    It's no sin i reackon, i mean you gotta try out your rivarlys products to see how much of a good job they do, and learn from it.
  20. W

    Guess who is it! its me again :(

    I think if you persisted that much, and still a nut, then you guys probably weren't made for each other, so move on as mentioned from others.