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  1. CieL

    The Woolworths Thread

    Coles branches and Woolies branches have different type of records.. plus the different systems allowes Woolsworth employees to jack up their rate by pressing ENTER all the time..
  2. CieL

    Rules for Customers

    This is a thread for complaint/whinges.. Just make sure they're relevant and uhm.. not something ordinary and expected eg. "Don't order fries" or whatever you said.. I thought staff at Maccas are supposed to ask, "Would you like fries with that?"
  3. CieL

    Rules for Staff

    Maybe she meant Maccas maximum. But I'm sure it isnt because my friend worked at Maccas before and told me I could get it.. @greekgun - maybe i should of made him pay for my extra parking fee too aye =p
  4. CieL

    Rules for Customers

    Oh I was thinking about McCafe.. I didnt realise people still drank that brown watered down stuff in the jug. But when customers go out to a public place to have a cup of coffee, traditionally the milk should be steamed.. unless they ask for cold, or an ICED coffee [which I dont know if they...
  5. CieL

    The Coles Thread

    Re: Coles Supervisors It's not the length of time you work. It's how suitable you are for the position. I was promoted to be a supervisor 2 months after I started the job. Several people who started working months/years before me were still just operators. So it depends on the individual...
  6. CieL

    Rules for Customers

    Pretty normal one too. Just get 5 smaller pieces of chicken. Then they'll fit =D And cold milk is definately not meant to go in a hot coffee.. Who the fuck trained you??
  7. CieL

    Rules for Staff

    But like... what am I meant to say? Give me a free apple pie whilst I wait because your employees are so freaking slow? I mean.. I probably have to wait another 5mins to get the free food.
  8. CieL

    Mi Goreng

    Actually no =] The powder and the CHILLI paste contain MSG. The rest do not. Just look for flavour enhancer 621 Having said that I ate 3 packets today.. they just don't fill you up..
  9. CieL

    Rules for Staff

    I just remembered an old one... For the staff at Parra Maccas... Hurry up, move it, and don't be retarded. My friend and I were getting some food after a long day of shopping.. Maccas was pretty much the only thing open in the food court.. We both stood in different queues next to each other...
  10. CieL

    Rules for Customers

    These two are pretty ordinary too. I guess if they're making a massive order they're pretty hungry.. and for both of them, customers never got shitty at me [when I worked in hospitality] if I tell them before they pay that it'll be a bit/X minute wait.. They'd either.. a) *makes a face* that...
  11. CieL

    The Coles Thread

    Please read the whole of this thread before you ask a redundant question. There will be no activities. Examples of questions are all over this thread. If you just search this thread and type in "interview" you will find them.
  12. CieL

    The Woolworths Thread

    As you know, they are not permitted to change your hours without your consultation, and your signature on the new hours. Instead of doing the unassigned shifts, you should notify the person who does the rosters immediately when you've first realised that it is wrong. You do NOT wait and do...
  13. CieL

    The Drinking Thread!!!!

    You put clag glue in your mouth?
  14. CieL

    Rules for Staff

    Re: Rules for Retail Workers Why would you and all the people in your store hate your supervisors? I mean... all you have to do is stay at your register?
  15. CieL

    The Woolworths Thread

    And I guessed you only tried calling them once. Your shift should of started at 11:30am. You called one hour beforehand. Once. And didnt even get through. Wow. I was dead sick one time and I had a shift at 2pm.. The previous day I thought I would be well enough to work.. I deliberately woke up...
  16. CieL

    Rules for Staff

    Rage? It is not rage. And it doesn't only apply in retail. All the people I train up I don't have issues with. They know what to do and they know what I expect them to do.
  17. CieL

    Smiggle Application

    It smells so good too =D
  18. CieL

    The Coles Thread

    Umm.. 19yr old pay rate is around $16.xx However, since nightfill in your respect is out of trading hours, I'm expecting you'll get a heaps higher penalty rate.. of which, I'm not sure because our nightfill only stays till 10pm..
  19. CieL

    Coles Pay Rate

    Is that awkward? Do you get better shifts? How much do they pay a manager nowdays anyway?
  20. CieL

    Smiggle Application

    What's the pay like?