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  1. Shadowdude

    English Extension 2 Journal

    I made my journal like a scrapbook - I'd paste things in which I'd read and the like, and had summaries of what I did. Think of it as a journal of your thoughts and progress on the work
  2. Shadowdude

    Insight for Commerce 3502 @ 2017 Semester 1

    well obviously ACCT1511 is a prerequisite for an accounting major, etc.
  3. Shadowdude

    [HELP] Piano pieces for Medieval and Renaissance periods

    you know that the piano wasn't even invented during medieval times, right?
  4. Shadowdude

    New and Improved! Studying @ UNSW – a guide to what you really need to know

    of course you can how do you like 20 minute walks
  5. Shadowdude

    Discrete Maths can't enroll in lecture

    that one If it's interesting and can also help your future employment purposes, great. But for some undergrads, they may not even know if a course they'll take will even be relevant. I took COMP1927 - Computing 2, and COMP3821 - Extended Algorithms and Programming Techniques out of sheer...
  6. Shadowdude

    Are ASB lectures recorded?

    that's loser talk need the power of positivity There was a group of schoolgirls on the train I caught into uni late last year, and they'd sit down and study for the duration of their train ride. Sure, they'd be sitting on the floor, but at least they'd be productive
  7. Shadowdude

    UNSW Dilemma

    Internal Program Transfer: basically do well in your subjects and get a high average mark, and then transfer in via the online form which will open up during semester With that said, I believe most internal transfers require one full year of uni before you can transfer
  8. Shadowdude

    Are ASB lectures recorded?

    what's wrong with a 2 hour commute spend it reading notes and studying
  9. Shadowdude

    Are ASB lectures recorded?

    you can probably watch the lectures from home of accounting but will you?
  10. Shadowdude

    Adv Math and Commerce "WAM" Boosters?

    You're going to have to take MATH1081 anyway, and ECON1101 as well. With that said, apparently FINS1613 is easier in second semester. Take MATH3411 when you get to it.
  11. Shadowdude

    How difficult is it to get a distinction average in com/arts?

    Distinction average? Considering that the average mark is around 70, if you put in a bit of effort in your courses - you should be able to get 75. Obviously depends on your work ethic. You might find that if you just coast through and cram at the end, you'll get 75. You never know.
  12. Shadowdude

    Phys + Maths 1st year lecturers

    Mr M Pahor,Mr PG Brown Apro A Coster,Dr JM Kress Dr DF Mansfield,Dr DD Angell Dr MK Massierer They're all good And hey, Massierer got a lecturer gig - that's nice. I think this semester will be her first time teaching, but she's really nice and helpful For instance, once I had a maffs...
  13. Shadowdude

    New and Improved! Studying @ UNSW – a guide to what you really need to know

    "I found most of the guides to UNSW too wordy, or they contained info that I didn’t need, but not the info that I did need" you didn't write "UNSW is the best" in your 'why unsw' section
  14. Shadowdude

    MATH1081 Discrete Maths

    Re: Discrete Maths Sem 2 2016 yes why not - just map out the values
  15. Shadowdude

    What is Arts at Uni like?

    Arts - and I think IR is the same - has low contact (class) hours, but you'll be "expected" to keep up with readings and stuff to make up for the three or so class hours per week per subject
  16. Shadowdude

    Suitable method for Induction

    no, because the gradient of x^2 is larger than the gradient of 500+x, but x^2 isn't always larger you need to specify an initial point and a range of values probably, but i envision it'd be more difficult