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  1. E

    Ecos2201 vs ecos2025

    I did ECOS2201, and it is a subject which rewards creative thinking and problem solving. It may be difficult to study for as there are very few available tutorial questions and no textbook, but a thorough understanding of the workings of each model will allow you to excel. It's not a subject...
  2. E

    ECOS3903 vs ECOS3904

    Can't do both unfortunately because of LLB / B. Com requirements. After discussing with the student centre and the coordinator, it seems like I will not be able to do ECOS3903, and can do ECOS3904 only.
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    ECOS3903 vs ECOS3904

    Anyone had any experience with ECOS3903 (microeconometrics - with Hayley Fisher in 2017) or ECOS3904 (macroeconomics - with Ed Nelson in 2017)? Which would you recommend? Don't have any idea what I want to do after next year so don't have a particular preference for either. Thanks
  4. E

    Sample Preliminary Eco Multiple Choice Questions (with answers)

    Yes, a park can be thought of as rival in that way. Some textbooks (Rosen and Gayer) talk about there being 'degrees of rivalry' with some goods being 'more rival' or 'less rival' than others. Those that are 'almost non-rivalrous' may be considered 'impure public goods', and public good analysis...
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    Sample Preliminary Eco Multiple Choice Questions (with answers)

    For a good to be non-rivalrous, it must be able to be consumed by an entity without detracting from the utility of consumption of another entity (hence social demand will be a vertical summation of individual demands). A library has a limited number of books / resources which cannot be consumed...
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    Weird monetary policy MC?

    It is true that short-term security prices are inversely related to interest rates, so higher interest rates should result in lower short-term security prices as the opportunity cost of holding the security (as opposed to money) is higher. However, the coupon rate of bonds is unaffected by...
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    How will I answer this essay question?

    It's not as simple as high economic growth = worse short-term environmental outcomes. Find some econometric data about Australia's position on the environmental Kuznets Curve and argue whether or not economic growth will positively or negatively affect the environment in the short and long term...
  8. E

    Public economics question

    Any other ideas on how to do this question (especially the efficiency part - there's another part which requires you to calculate net social benefits, so SMB is needed for that too)? This is question 12 from chapter 4 of the Rosen and Gayer textbook (Public Finance) by the way
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    sydney student glitch

    My wam just changed from yesterday so yesterday's wam may not be determinative.
  10. E

    Public economics question

    I meant the derivative of 'total benefit' which is n(11-n). But to be honest, I have no idea what to take as SMB here.
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    sydney student glitch

    Can't see it here, and one of my subjects isn't on results notice yet.
  12. E

    Can more than 2 English units count?

    Yes, all four of my English units counted
  13. E

    Public economics question

    SMB is social marginal benefit and MC is marginal cost if that helps. And I'm assuming that the meadow is some sort of impure public good and everyone derives utility from the provision of sheep, because it's under the 'public goods' chapter
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    Public economics question

    What did you get as the SMB and MC for the efficient quantity question? I'm thinking SMB = 11 - 2n because n = 5.5 maximises the number of sheep, so its derivative is zero? But I really have no idea
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    Public economics question

    There's no actual answers, but I think that SMB is n(11-n) [or 11-2n??], and SMC = 4 where n is the number of shepherds, so I get answers like 3.5 which doesn't seem right. But I'm really confused about SMB in this question.
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    Public economics question

    There's no answers that I can find and I don't actually understand what I'm doing, but any ideas about this one? A lone shepherd can graze 10 sheep per year in a meadow. Each additional shepherd who uses the meadow reduces the number of sheep that can be maintained by one per shepherd. If a...
  17. E

    ECOS2201 vs ECOS3005

    I've seen the 2901 content and it is quite a bit more complex. But I've heard that 2902 has more substantive content and less fluff than 2002, so may be easier to get a higher mark in?
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    ECOS2201 vs ECOS3005

    * Also wondering if anyone has any advice for ECOS2902 vs ECOS2002. I've heard that it is easier to get higher marks in ECOS2902 than ECOS2002?
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    ECOS2201 vs ECOS3005

    I'm considering about taking ECOS2201 (Competition and strategy) next semester but it prohibits ECOS3005 (Industrial organisation) which I also want to take. Which one of them is better to take seeing as I have to take at least three ECOS3XXX subjects? Also considering ECOS3003 (Hierarchies...
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    USYD Chatter Thread 2016

    Re: USYD Chatter Thread - Semester 1 2016 Any recommendations for junior electives generally? I'm LLB/Com majoring in economics and I've done BUSS1001, BUSS1002, BUSS1020, BUSS1030, BUSS1040, ECON1002, ECMT1020 I'm planning to do the last junior elective in semester 1 of my third year...