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  1. M

    Compulsory English

    We're all too busy with our Extension English to find any text of lesser measure at all humourous, I'm afraid. /sarcasm Why should something so pointless as English be so pivotal to your future? It isn't. The UAI, as many will tell you, is not the only way to uni, there are other entry...
  2. M

    How was your school day?

    Holy crap. 15 minutes? That's a little excessive.
  3. M

    Subjects you wish you DID do

    Ext 2 English for some queerish reason.
  4. M

    How was your school day?

    My day was cold. Sitting in the sun doesn't do much.
  5. M

    Compulsory English

    Re: Compolsory English Learn to adapt, like it's with anything else really. If this is suffering, try reading up on the world around us and then make out as if English is punishment. The conflict in Darfur for example is a perfect case of helplessness and powerlessness. But of course...
  6. M

    Let's Liven up the Food Tech Forum!!

    I picked Economics over Food Tech just because the people there were more willing to actually do work. Wrong choice that was. Ah, Food Tech is like the subject where everyone has stories to tell.
  7. M

    Desperate need of info

    I don't really understand what your question is so I'll just answer as I see fit. It depends on what type of text your actual set text is and somewhat on what you're good at analysing. For example, I studied Othello by Shakespeare, which is obviously a play. So, my related texts were a feature...
  8. M

    Shakespeare behind bars

    I'll give it a go, once I'm able to locate one. It sounds interesting.
  9. M

    HSC making you sick?

    My, what a word. I might use that today. It's so contradicting, it's like "Hey, stress less kids, it's only the HSC, no big", next thing you know, they pile on assessments and go "Study hard okay? This counts for 40% of your final mark. FORTY. PERCENT. OF. YOUR. FINAL. MARK." It saddens me so.
  10. M

    DET Blocks bored of studies

    What's an example of one that isn't blocked? The older ones are all blocked and so are the actual sites showing proxies or anything with the word "proxy" for that matter. That said, I only ever used the school computers for Slime Arena anyway and that's blocked so really, this blocking thing...
  11. M

    king lear help needed

    I personally didn't do a Family/Psychological reading on the play so I'm unsure as to what it entails exactly. I've just Googled it, as anyone could. This is from the Resources Section of this site regarding the different readings. Also, the Richard Eyre production of "King Lear" supposedly...
  12. M

    So... who went to see the Harlos Production of King Lear at Bondi?

    These are the notes Dukey posted a while ago here. Thanks Dukey.
  13. M

    Best year of school?

    I don't mind year 12 and somewhat enjoy it but it certainly isn't the best year of all.
  14. M

    How was your school day?

    We're going through speeches in English, I'm volunteering to go third tommorow. Because 3 is a good number.
  15. M


    I ran home from school today, if that counts as exercise.
  16. M

    Is anyone suffering from sleep depravation?

    I've always thought lethargy and fatigue were synonyms.
  17. M

    Leear: Quotes + Readings?

    Act 3, Scene 6: The mock trial scene is a good one to show Lear losing his wits. Some of Lear's speech seems to be impaired and that he has sort of lost touch with reality. Lear conducts a mock trial of his daughters who obviously aren't present. "A king, a king!" "The little dogs and...
  18. M

    International Travel

    Have You Travelled Overseas? Yes. If Yes, Where? Vietnam. Would You Like To Travel Overseas? Yes. Where To? Ireland, the UK, Italy, Canada, Africa Do You Have Family Overseas That You Would Visit? Yes. What Would Be Your Main Attraction To Travel Overseas (adventure, theme parks...
  19. M

    What did you have for breakfast today?

    A cold and flu capsule, if that counts.
  20. M

    Is anyone suffering from sleep depravation?

    She's about the only alert one in class. Just wondering, why did you choose to sleep that way first off? Yes, I was, if you wouldn't mind. Thanks.