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  1. MiSSi

    How's This For Stress?

    my timetable is kinda spread out except third week week 1: english week 2: general maths week 3: business, biology and religion week 4: society & culture 9 days to study for society
  2. MiSSi

    How much do u write?!

    omg thats a lot of pages!
  3. MiSSi

    Hsc Line Is Full Of Shit

    shit thats bad. and they say 'expert' teachers have been answering the calls.
  4. MiSSi

    Other SOR trail papers?

    thanks for the questions! you've really helped since there are no trial papers around.
  5. MiSSi

    Exemplar Responses

    yeah its good. i borrowed it from my school library and burnt it lol
  6. MiSSi

    about the syllabus

    hey, you know how there are changes to the bio syllabus, so the ones crossed out for sure won't be in the hsc? thanks
  7. MiSSi

    After school....

    i want to get in at UTS Management in Tourism 81.75 its so high, don't think i'll get in.
  8. MiSSi

    English related Texts

    have you heard of that website though? see if your school is on the list website: also your teacher doesn't know the date?
  9. MiSSi

    English related Texts

    for the article, is your school registered with smh in the classroom? its a website that requires your school's name and password
  10. MiSSi

    What do you regret?

    study way earlier!
  11. MiSSi

    PIP ideas 4 next yr

    oic like how u phrased it.
  12. MiSSi

    PIP ideas 4 next yr

    so ur topic wat does it mean by new age swiss army knife? dun get that
  13. MiSSi

    PIP ideas 4 next yr

    dats true since da net is so broad
  14. MiSSi

    how many pages?

    both i guess. does it matter wat section?
  15. MiSSi

    PIP ideas 4 next yr

    eheh its good that ur mum is giving u ideas & helping u out! haf u done anything? or still thinking of a topic?
  16. MiSSi

    how many pages?

    hey, approximately while writing essays, how many pages should u write?
  17. MiSSi

    Does any one study Briar Rose?

    how about the study guides?
  18. MiSSi

    PIP ideas 4 next yr

    eheh my topic gave u an idea? thats a good topic as well. since we rely heaps on technology.
  19. MiSSi

    Is It A Good Thing That The S&c Exam Is The Last Exam???

    no idea i guess it will be good to support what u r saying.
  20. MiSSi

    Is It A Good Thing That The S&c Exam Is The Last Exam???

    wat group r u focusing on? u dont need to know a case study do u?