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  1. K

    Attn all french cont. Students!

    do you think it would be easy to pick up french cont. if you have never done french, ever? do you think if someone had enough motivation they could pick it up and do well? does it start with a basic thing first and then move into harder stuff or does it assume youve done french in junior...
  2. K

    Which scales better: Business Studies or Beg. French

    I need to know which you think would scale better. Business Studies or beginners french... Also note, i will be doing continuers japanese, do you think this will be too much with french? & if i do french, it will have to be by distance ed. whereas business will be at school in a class...
  3. K

    Good/Worth it?

    Im currently in year 10 and im about to pick my subjects, im considering doing extension and in the syllabus it sounds alright but i was just wondering what you guys who do it now think of it? hard/easy? straining? is it easy to keep up with other work and do extension? etc.. thankssss.
  4. K

    UAI/ATAR course requirements?

    I was just wondering how you find out what UAI/ATAR is needed for entry into uni courses, ive searched but it doesnt say what mark/rank you need for particular courses. do you go through the uni website or uac or what? eg. Newcastle University, B MEDICINE: UAI: ?
  5. K

    General Indication of how subjects scale?

    Im currently in the process of choosing subjects and I'm confused with the scaling etc. Can people please tell me how well they think these subjects will scale: - Ext. 1 English - English Advanced - Ancient History - Business Studies - Legal Studies - Japnese Continuers - are different...