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  1. GolfGirl97

    Is there anyone who never wears earphones/headphones?

    dude, you don't need to worry. an hour is nothing compared to how long i have my earphones in. as long as it isn't too loud you'll be fine.
  2. GolfGirl97

    Year 11 2014 Chat :)

    hehehehe...i ended up cleaning my whole room :') and all I've done so far is....write out a few notes for history :') that required no thinking at all because I'm making a scaffold for an essay, basically copying out what i had written earlier :') I'm the worst.
  3. GolfGirl97

    Year 11 2014 Chat :)

    depends. sometimes i do, sometimes i don't. most of the time i end up typing it up anyway..
  4. GolfGirl97

    Year 11 2014 Chat :)

    time to start studying.......but idk what to do :') I'm lazy :3 :3
  5. GolfGirl97

    Piercings and Tattoos

    i have only got my ears pierced....but i plan on getting a second pair of piercings on my ears and i was actually thinking of stretching my original ear piercings. i want to get my lip pierced too. i wanna get a tattoo...but its against my religion..but I'm not religious so...... :3 anyone know...
  6. GolfGirl97

    Year 11 2014 Chat :)

    i reckon pdhpe, business and economics. maybe bio
  7. GolfGirl97

    How to look cool?

    bogan much :')
  8. GolfGirl97

    How to look cool?

    don't completely change who you are for other people because you won't be true to yourself....buuuut if you asked me how to look cool i would say...... get a hot emo/scene hairstyle....wear band t-shirts....skinny jeans (or any jeans), wear converse shoes or supras or just some neat sneakers...
  9. GolfGirl97

    Getting rid of belly fat

    i do about 30-45 mins daily..of like intense bike riding. we have a stationary bike so i put the gear to the second highest and also adjusted the resistance on the back wheel (its made up of my dads mountain bike and a stand that we bought so you can turn any normal bike into a stationary bike)...
  10. GolfGirl97

    Developed a crush, EXTREMELY inconvenient!

    omggggggg my friend told the jbhifi guy yesterday...HE KNOWS I LIKE HIM NOW D: how awkward.... :S he will probably avoid me forever now :(
  11. GolfGirl97

    Year 11 2014 Chat :)

    omg omg he hasn't been there for the last two weeks!!!! I'm so upset....WHAT IF HE QUIT?!?!!?!? ILL NEVER EVER SEE HIM OR HIS HOT EMO/SCENE HAIR AGAIN D;
  12. GolfGirl97

    Year 11 2014 Chat :)

    ugh, idk she was explaining something to us today and i was just like "...whut....?" but I'm always lost in maths, i need it explained to me 10000 times before i get it...and sometimes i still don't get it :/ idek how i got into 5.3 in year 9/10. idk, i have done a bit of programming here and...
  13. GolfGirl97

    Year 11 2014 Chat :)

    i work out nearly everyday and i feel ok for a bit afterwards. but then i get tired again. i also do tennis every saturday. but its like at school by 10am I'm already so tired. my dad reckons that i could be deficient in some stuff because I'm always so tired and never have energy for energy so...
  14. GolfGirl97

    Year 11 2014 Chat :)

    ughhhh I'm so tired :'( I'm always so tired now even though i get 8 hours of sleep or more. i don't know what is wrong with me but i never have energy anymore. I'm so sick of the endless work load, sick of being tired ALL THE TIME no matter how much sleep i get, sick of having no life, sick of...
  15. GolfGirl97

    Year 11 2014 Chat :)

    ohh but the thing is i already stay up late doing homework. I've done the exact opposite as you, I've decided that I'm going to stop doing homework at 9pm now rather than 11 something. i really need my sleep. I'm always so tired and i just cant think anymore. i don't have roll call anymore...
  16. GolfGirl97

    Year 11 2014 Chat :)

    thanks. but, the thing is....i don't even know what it feels like to get great marks for anything anymore so its hard for me to imagine that :( I've never been a positive thinker..back when i would get above 90% for most things id still beat myself up and tell myself i was hopeless. now the most...
  17. GolfGirl97

    Year 11 2014 Chat :)

    thanks. i hope i do ok. literally the only subject I'm good at is multimedia. and theres no half yearly for that T_T I'm gonna die in ext maths. I'm 2 chapters behind now. i cant keep up and i don't understand most of the stuff :'( i was actually considering not coming back this year.....people...
  18. GolfGirl97

    Year 11 2014 Chat :)

    i have my half yearlies first 2 weeks back. so guess what? after a stressful 11 week term where i want to relax, I HAVE TO STUDY FOR STUPID EXAMS. i think I'm just gonna drop out of school D: >:(
  19. GolfGirl97

    Year 11 2014 Chat :)

    aw :( you'll have plenty more opportunities to get awesome results in all your other assessments! :3 don't worry, i cant deal with speeches either. i hate talking in front of any group of people actually except for my friends. i think i have like social anxiety or something. i just cant deal...
  20. GolfGirl97

    Year 11 2014 Chat :)

    gosh it's been ages since I've posted. how is everyone? I can't believe it's already the last week of term 1! :O :O