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  1. E

    Estimate my Atar please

    English 62% (working on Dt prac the week before) Mod 80% Dt exam 80% prac 91% art exam 74% prac 90% music exam 76% prac 97% now i will be working to get my exams up shouldnt be hard that now all my pracs are done and i killed them thats why trials suffered so badly.
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    Estimate my Atar please

    Are you serious? That's insane.
  3. E

    Estimate my Atar please

    Eng Adv 14/23 Modern History 1/5 Music 1 1/6 Visual Arts 2/6 Design and Technology 3/9 School rank 300 however it is a small school and last year was full of retards.
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    Compeition in Schools

    my school is so chilla, except people get bummed with 95% but we all help eachother heaps.
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    I think im dying

    AHAHAAHAAHAAAHAHAAHAH, because you cbf studying means your heart is failing. nice. and your legs hurt because you is weak.
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    CSSA Modern History

    what was the personalities quote for cssa?
  7. E

    What to bring into Viva

    summary sheet. ipod (or cd player etc) and an instrument if you are playing excerpts.
  8. E

    English trials?

    It doesnt count to your atar if you have 10 better units...
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    How big is your Journal?

    why are you doing a journal? you only need the folio...
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    English trials?

    the kid who got 99.95 probably didnt have english in his best 10 units, just saying...
  11. E

    English trials?

  12. E

    English trials?

    It's QUALITY not QUANTITY, also it depends on your handwriting aim for about 800-1200 words per response and treat your composition the same as the essay as they are WORTH THE SAME AMOUNT! As part of the marking criteria is about following the conventions of your form (aka story, speech etc)...
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    18 year old supposed 'bomb threat' in Mosman

    dw everyone in mosman has insurance.
  14. E

    Moving from melbourne to sydney, help please (: (: (: totally lost ):

    i moved 2 years ago. year 11 finishes in 8 weeks in sydney anyway as the hsc course starts in term 4 this year. but the hsc course is better. but sydney can be heaps shit compared to melbourne if you live in a dud area.
  15. E

    Moving from melbourne to sydney, help please (: (: (: totally lost ):

    i moved as well, the system is melbourne is heaps different, do year 11 and acquaint yourself with how it works. it will throw you off dramatically if you dont. and im 100% sure you cant just go straight into year 12 without the prelim course. you would at LEAST have to do the final exams and...
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    music 1 cssa trial

    how so? i did a internally written one and it was fucked. wish we did a different one.
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    music 1 cssa trial

    how did everyone find this trial?
  18. E

    design and technology cssa trial

    how did everyone find this exam?