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  1. F

    Police Stabbed by islamic terrorist

    Wow. This is terrible news and it disgusts me and leaves me feeling mortified that individuals with absolutely no sense of right and wrong can commit such atrocities and call themselves muslim, let alone human. I honestly do not blame anyone who has misconceptions about Islam because of the...
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    Section 2 - Creative Writing

    I had so many quotes, references, even the author's name for text one, but idk why I wrote text 2 like the idiot i am -_- I hope I don't lose marks for something as stupid as that
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    Mod B - HSC Speeches predictions?

    I'm going to be risky and not study them ahahhah
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    Mod B - HSC Speeches predictions?

    I think Sadat's speech or Keating's will be specified. Hoping it isn't Pearson/Bandler.
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    Section 2 - Creative Writing

    I'm worried about my story. My plot had a lot to do with what the first reading comprehension text was talking about. I hope they dont mark me down for it, ive had this plot ready for months and it was about how technology acts as a barrier to belonging Also, for the six marker i said i was...
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    Section 1 - Stimulus

    Omg i made a mistake in the six marker :( i wrote text two but was actually talking about text 1. I made it obvious i was talking about text 1 tho. Wthhhhh im so stupid :(
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    Best of Luck Team BOS 2014

    Good luck everyone! :)
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    Share your 2013 HSC results here

    COngrtas to all! should all be v proud of yourselves!! :)
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    General thoughts

    It was an okay exam. Only issues I had were the long responses. We did the option Genetics the code broken and there were 2 long responses very similar to the 8 marker. Hoping to scrape a 90 somehow
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    2013 math difficulty

    I'm guessing I pulled off a early 70 raw at most. My nerves got the better of me :(
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    2013 math difficulty

    You have a point however if you think about it, this format makes it all much harder. You have 3 hours to get 100 marks meaning its going to take more time to get one mark. That also means there aren't going to be very many easy marks. It just makes the whole exam difficult. Old format q 1-7...
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    General Thoughts: Mathematics

    This thread has just increased my doubts of getting a band 6. Can't sleep :( The thing that kills me is that I was so stressed. That pulled me down so much. Such an unfair test of our capabilities
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    Q16 Share your answers here

    i kept getting no solution too! Omg.
  14. F

    General Thoughts: Mathematics

    Can somebody upload the paper? We were not allowed to take it. so pissed off.
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    General Thoughts: Mathematics

    Guys I feel okay now that i know you all found it hard, at least it will scale up. I was expecting it to be of medium difficulty and judging from q11 i expected it to be challenging but doable. Aiming for above 80. Time was my biggest issue too. Too god damned long and tedious.
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    General Thoughts: Mathematics

    I am never eating fish again. Those 6 marks were robbed from me. Ruined my whole exam.
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    General Thoughts: Mathematics

    question fourteen was terrible:(.
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    Cssa biology

    Believe me you aren't the only one. It's possible to do it all you just have to quickly go through it 2 times over and focus on the stuff you don't know. Allocate and hour and a half to both bol and sfbh and then 2 hours for option review weak points and wake up early tomorrow and run through...
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    Cssa biology

    I was hoping that studying for prior assessments that I would know everything. Lol at memory. Wanted to ask, do you guys know if we have to know the life cycle of any microorganism or disease causing agent or did they take that off the syllabus?
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    2013 CSSA Mathematics Thoughts?

    Guys I actually think that the multiple choice answer was distance. The question said circle the Best answer and the option was the displacement AFTER 2 seconds or the distance in the first 2 seconds. Obviously the best answer is the distance, all you need is an Absolute value of it to get the...