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  1. F

    Sketching Hyperbolas!

    Hey people! So like yeah I forgot how to sketch hyperbolas like these ones : \dpi{300}%20y=\frac{x+3}{x+1}
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    ATAR Estimate Please, All Overall Ranks

    Hey there put your standards upQ you're doing mighty fine keep up the good work! Easy 70s!
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    Help? Linear functions (coordinate geom)

    Hi everybody! I was doing a HSC question 3 from 2005 and I need help with Q3c, ii. I feel so stupid I've forgotten all my linear functions concepts :(
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    Subject Selections?!

    Sorry to bother you again, but since you seem pretty well versed, hows MX2 like, and what kind of a person would be capable of doing it?
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    Subject Selections?!

    Thanks for your reply! I'm so confused and I appreciate your help!
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    Subject Selections?!

    Thank you so much for your detailed reply. I am not too sure about my capability level in regards to MX2. Another thing, I am accelerated in biology and next year, if i do not drop it, I can do the HSC for it and get it out of my life! I'm also planning on only doing 10 units in yr 12, since my...
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    What's SOR I like?

    So does it involve memorising their beliefs, history of the religion, is there essay writing?
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    What's SOR I like?

    - Content wise - Workload - Interesting? - Essays?
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    Subject Selections?!

    Content wise, whats it like? Because I really want to do Ext1 Math SOR I Adv Eng Chem Phys Bio (preliminary) Not sure If i want to trade any of them for economics. What do you think of SOR I, if you do it??? And do you know and other 1 units that are good scalers and are interesting?
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    Subject Selections?!

    Hi guys :) Currently in yr 10 doing accelerated 2U mathematics and Biology (Prelim). Were going to have to pick our subjects soon and I don't know much about a few subjects, if somebody could tell me what SOR I is like, PDHPE, Physics and economics is like? And advice is much appreciated!
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    Basic Arithmetic Question?

    Walaikum ulsalam :) it is, it;s in chapter one of the understanding YEAR 11 2 & 3 UNIT mathematics text book..
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    Basic Arithmetic Question?

    Thankyou, your answer is perfect
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    Basic Arithmetic Question?

    Thankyou for trying, it's much appreciated though
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    Basic Arithmetic Question?

    It is actually 45km/hr :( I have not done logs yet, still on the prelim course
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    Basic Arithmetic Question?

    Thank you very much :)
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    Basic Arithmetic Question?

    No, it's just basic arithmetic lol :) I don't really know how to go about this question ...
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    Basic Arithmetic Question?

    Could you guys help, I don't know what to do here. :/ a river flows at 3 km/h. At what speed must a boat travel in order to make a 35km long trip upstream in 50 minutes? How long will it take the boat to make the return trip downstream? (assuem the boat travels at the same speed travelled...
  18. F

    Subject Selections for year 11?!

    I believe you would enjoy biology if you have an interest in the human body. However, Preliminary biology is so BORING AND POINTLESS! Bio isn't that difficult, it's all understanding and memorising.