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  1. ashwin


    Ok! Thanks a lot~
  2. ashwin


    Ok, here is an essay topic: "Discuss the impact of globalisation upon standards of living" List the things u would talk about. Please.
  3. ashwin

    Retreat from the global: HELP!!

    Hey, thanks a lot for the email.
  4. ashwin

    Retreat from the global: HELP!!

    Ok cool, thanx a lot
  5. ashwin

    Retreat from the global: HELP!!

    Yeh, if u could give me the email that would be great! Had u done RFTG when u were in yr 12?
  6. ashwin

    Retreat from the global: HELP!!

    Lazarus, u mentioned u spoke to the Marking Supervisor. What aspects of RFTG did they mention for Heaney's poems? My teacher is curious to know
  7. ashwin


    Chudymaster (aka KETAN) stop trying to battle me in english over a forum that has been set up to help people, and for people to talk about common interests. If you feel you need to taunt me, then fine: whatever helps you sleep at night. To everyone else, thanks a lot for your comments and...
  8. ashwin

    short answers??

    Is it wise to put stats into short answers? Or is that taking the whole concept of SHORT answers to far.?
  9. ashwin

    Retreat from the global confusion (duh!)

    Thats one of the best definitions and explanations ive read! But I'm still not sure about what the RFTG presented in Funeral Rites is. It seems as though it is already all local, and there is no element of the global world, or in fact, a Retreat from the global. Does anyone know, or have any...
  10. ashwin

    Retreat from the global: HELP!!

    Hey thanks a lot everyone for the notes! Much appreciated!
  11. ashwin

    Retreat from the global: HELP!!

    Yeh but the notes on the site arent helpful. My teacher said the stuff on Tolland Man was looking too far into the poem
  12. ashwin


    This year im doing Hamlet and Ros & Guil. We haven't really looked into the concept of transformations yet, but will soon. One of by idiot friends (chudymaster) thinks context is a VERY minute part of transformations. Is he right or WRONG?
  13. ashwin


    An essay is like a hammering a nail. If u stuff it up (miss the nail) u hurt yourself (hurt chances of high marks) :argue: :apig: :mad1: :confused: :chainsaw:
  14. ashwin


    Hey! Whos doin transformations?? wHat do u think about it?
  15. ashwin

    Retreat From The Global - Can Someone Actually Help???

    Firstly, Lazarus' notes about Tollund Man aren't very good according to Ms Roberts. She claims he's looking too much into it. We need help in studying Retreat from the Global in the Seamus Heaney poems Funeral Rites, Tollund Man and Punishment (hmm, sound familiar?) If there is anyone out...
  16. ashwin

    Retreat from the global: HELP!!

    Hey! Does any one have any notes, or know where i can get notes about Seamus Heaney's poems in terms of retreat from the global??????