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  1. Zoinked

    MQ Chatter Thread

    Also Kolmias to answer your pm, I like my course so far its fun, though I can only speak about the beginner core units that everyone has to do as thats all I've done so far.
  2. Zoinked

    MQ Chatter Thread

    Yes, you can definitely put all your tutes among 2 days and maybe even all the lectures depending on their time slots. Next sem I only go in twice a week with the optional third day to watch 2 lectures (that i would otherwise watch from home).
  3. Zoinked

    What are some strategies for studying specific subjects?

    Use the search function. This website is filled with lots and lots of advice which gets repeated over and over.
  4. Zoinked

    MQ Chatter Thread

    So so easy
  5. Zoinked

    [POLL] When was the latest you studied before an exam? [also kinda urgent]

    Just had an accounting exam where i didnt attend 4/6 lectures it was based on, read the lecture slides the night before and on the morning of the exam. Fully confident I got 85+%, shit was ez, ill get my marks back soon though.
  6. Zoinked

    Atar estimate based on half yearly and term 1 combined

    Snowflek man you go ham on predictions... go ham on your schoolwork
  7. Zoinked

    99 atar without math?

    If you are consistently getting 90%+ (preferably 95%+) you can definitely get a 99 atar without maths. It will be hard though (getting 99 with maths is hard as well) so you'd best study your arse off and do well.
  8. Zoinked

    MQ Chatter Thread

    Finance is dank as if you would wanna delay it
  9. Zoinked

    lowest atar to be accepted in a university in australia

    Know a guy who got into Western Sydney University computer science with *
  10. Zoinked

    I need to grow taller!

    @OP Watch some videos online about anterior/posterior pelvic tilt. If you have either problem and you overcome it then you will look taller as your posture will be better and you'll be more upright. Posture is so important and can make you look so much taller.
  11. Zoinked

    Are Uni Cruises worth it?

    A very rational answer from D94 once again lol
  12. Zoinked

    MQ Chatter Thread

    Thats a heavy burden to get rid of :)
  13. Zoinked

    ATAR estimate

    If you are expecting all band 6's that guy is so wrong, you'll probably get 95+
  14. Zoinked

    What exactly is a unit?

    Ok so most subjects are 2 units, except extension subjects. Your best 2 units of english are taken and then your best other 8 units are taken to form your atar. You will only ever have "Half of mathematics" count towards your atar if you have 11 units and mathematics is your worst.
  15. Zoinked

    MQ Chatter Thread

    Exactly what I was looking for, thanks. I'm gonna stick with my degree :)
  16. Zoinked

    MQ Chatter Thread

    I can tell you that you shouldn't buy from the library cafe, its bad. I've heard that the coffee near MUSE is good (though I've never had it)
  17. Zoinked

    Subject Selection Review

    Legal and Business are the most boring units ever, though if you don't mind just straight mindless rote learning, you could get good marks in both of them.
  18. Zoinked

    MQ Chatter Thread

    Actually screw it, the finance major doesn't touch on a few units that sound interesting