Search results

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    Art at University?

    Really? The only other universities I've been able to find around where I'm living are like.. Southern cross... And no way I'm going there. Haven't heard of QCA.. I'll have to look it up. I hope it's connected with UAC and not QTAC. Damn late fees. How is it a part of griffith? EDIT: Turns...
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    Why is everyone here so damn smart?

    Honestly. Every estimate thread I look at people are worrying about their high eighties to high ninetys results! Surely there are a percentage of students that will get lower UAIS than that! Just so I know I'm not alone is there ANYONE who ISN'T getting a high eighty to ninety?
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    Art at University?

    I'm not sure what I want to be.. Graphic designer is probably close though. Something between that and advertising.
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    Art at University?

    Next year I'm probably going to move to the Gold Coast and do a bachelor of Visual Media at Griffith. This is mediocre. I don't think there is enough info that I can find to see if it's a course I'd REALLY like to do... I've decided I'm going to have a shot at doing something in the art...
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    Drama group performances

    Nope :( I wish it had though! It's been the same for a long while now
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    major work - have you finished?

    Ugh well mine is sort of nearly finished. It's a massive painting. Just need to stretch it and add some final details. My teacher keeps telling me it's hours from being finished which makes me so depressed. Plus it's HUGE. Which is sort of embarrassing because I'm not an art genius and I'd say...
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    Textual Dynamics

    I'm doing Orlando, Calvino and Night Letters... Because we only have to write on 2 of those texts I'll be doing Orlando and Night Letters... I'm having trouble with finding a related text for Orlando... For Night Letters I have 'The Sound and the Fury' But struggling for Orlando... I hope we...