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  1. me-mfhs

    Im Really Scared!!

    yes...yes they would... hence which is why only like 2% of the state gets band 6!! =(! <85 and we're skrewed :(
  2. me-mfhs

    Im Really Scared!!

    i know im really really .. scared - im probably sounding like a retard right now...but u have no idea argh!!!@ were both gonna be sitting in the IT exam in like 6 weeks time from now counting how many marks we've lost. argh!!! it will be like ... 8 , 7 , 6 , 5 , 4 , 3 , 2 ...
  3. me-mfhs

    Im Really Scared!!

    nah it doesnt - its not in the contents awks.. the tested topics this year are: (new syllabus *sobbing*) nah it doesnt - its not in the contents awks.. the tested topics this year are...
  4. me-mfhs

    Im Really Scared!!

    only two - the school gave us ONE book that DOESNT cover the whole syllabus in the hsc the book i BOUGHT was EXCEL (which doesnt have the new topics) like, of course ill do past papers, but past papers wont have the new syllabus in it like advice for clients etc!!! :confused:
  5. me-mfhs

    Im Really Scared!!

    but still ... how are you meant to get a band 6 in IT =(!!!!! cuz im aiming for a 93 uai
  6. me-mfhs

    So what do you actually do in IT?

    we do nothing.... i mean literalkly nothing. my advice is not to pick it!!! Dont pick it i say!!!!!!!!! and scales heaps heaps heaaaps low if u dont get band 6 (if u loose 8 marks thats band six GONE)
  7. me-mfhs

    Im Really Scared!!

    i couldnt study for it!!! 78% i had chem and math 3u THE NEXT DAY!!! but i studied a day for half yearlies and i got 90%
  8. me-mfhs

    Im Really Scared!!

    its soooo haarrrrrrrrrddddddddd to get band six! OVER EIGHT MARKS LOST...AND YOURE GONE!!!!!!!!! IM FREAKING OUT !!! HOW CAN U DO WELL IN I.T.!!!!! I ONLY HAVE 11 UNITS!!!! AND I NEED A BAND 6 OR ILL GET A CRAPPY UAI!!@!@!@! I DO CHEM BIO MATH 3U ENG ADV AND I.T SO IF I GET A...
  9. me-mfhs

    Fermentation of glucose... HELP!!!

    thanks alot ! =] lol, mines [this prac] not that urgent its just hw that doesn't go towards anything
  10. me-mfhs

    industrial production of ethanol from sugar cane

    oo0oh thanks heaps ^^!