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    Australian ISIS Jihadist is an American Jew troll

    Of course. There is no 'undermining' being done here by me? lol

    Australian ISIS Jihadist is an American Jew troll

    Typical of many trolls who use the disguise of 'Muslims' masquerading on the internet hidden behind anonymity or as an alias identity.

    Australian ISIS Jihadist is an American Jew troll Very typical.

    When to go to the gym

    180 cm isn't average height for a 15 year old lol. Nor is 75kg. (170cm and 56kg is the average for a 15year old). You're tall for a full grown man even. You must be towering above your peers (if you measured your height correctly).

    What is each uni good for?

    The median atar is above 99. I know a few who did get 99.95 and are doing med there.

    How was your experience at UTS?

    My last semester at UTS, before I move on to another degree at another university. Experience till date has been very positive. People all around are nice, management of subjects (lectures, tutorials etc) has been great at worst. Ideal location. Academic standard of the cohorts are quite average...

    Tony Abbott

    Therefore, by your logic, you are the narrow minded one. Once again, you described yourself perfectly.

    Tony Abbott

    Re: Tony Abott You described yourself perfectly right there.

    Is anybody else feeling super sentimental?

    You will miss high school as whole. I hated the HSC, but high school as a whole was such a great experience. You will learn, however to forget about this year (HSC). 1 more thing, don't even mention the word 'HSC' or 'Atar' when you go to uni. No one does...
  10. INADIKAP95

    Tony Abbott

    Re: Tony Abott The biggest joke. Australia has one of the lowest intake of refugees in the world. Very near the bottom in the Western world. ""Of the 10.4 million refugees under UNHCR mandate between 2005 and 2009, the largest numbers were being hosted by Pakistan (1,740,711), Iran...
  11. INADIKAP95

    transferring from uws to uts engineering

    It says 1 year FTE. What I understand is that you would have done 7 subjects by the end of the year. Therefore you would not be able to apply on the basis of tertiary results at the end of this year. You would have to do just 1 more subject next semester and can then apply to UTS next year after...
  12. INADIKAP95

    Tony Abbott

    Re: Tony Abott I am yet to meet anyone who thinks of Abbott as a good Prime Minister. Everywhere he goes, he get boos. Hell, even an old man called him a dickhead right to his face. But, its funny, that these were the same people who elected Abbott. First they elect, then they criticise, then...
  13. INADIKAP95

    transferring from uws to uts engineering

    NO. At USYD you must do 48 credit points to transfer (One year full time equivalent - 8 subjects). If you were to do 7 subjects within the 1 year, that would be 42 credit points and hence you would not be able to apply at USYD. Full time equivalent, for the purposes of transfer, is classified as...
  14. INADIKAP95

    Studying medicine

    Dentistry > Medicine
  15. INADIKAP95

    Accused of cheating??

    And i do find your case quite silly in a way. You have your phone with you in your pocket in the toilets. You also have some notes for the exam (that you did/or did not have to use - irrelevant). And you spent quite a while in the toilet. Airplane mode and switched off?? As if you couldn't...
  16. INADIKAP95

    Accused of cheating??

    Irrelevant and won't make a difference to the appeal.
  17. INADIKAP95

    Bachelor of Commerce Question

    I did a hell of a lot of research on the degree and its prospects, i advise you to do the same. Not to just glance at a few forums or a few uni websites or listen your friends. 'Biggest Atar courses'? What the hell does that mean? If you're saying many people do it or it has a high cutoff (only...
  18. INADIKAP95

    Bachelor of Commerce Question

    Combined degree with science and commerce is as useless as doing science alone or commerce alone - this is my perspective and is not representative of what a lot of others would think though.
  19. INADIKAP95

    Bachelor of Commerce Question

    Medicine, Dentistry, Law (UNSW/USYD), Engineering, Actuarial Studies. These are real degrees that lead to a proper profession and with decent incomes. And Comm can be used to get into any of those, just the reason why i did Comm in the first place.
  20. INADIKAP95

    Need help choosing: radiography vs occupational therapy vs speech pathology?

    On a side note : I'm laughing at all these people who chose MedSci/Sci to try to get into med. Most are now scattering around trying to decide what other degree they will do. Did they not think and plan what the degree would entail in the first place and their likelihood of getting into medicine?