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  1. N

    Section 1

    That's precisely what i did, they cant mark you down...i spent way too long on section 1...thought it was much harder than past papers and trials. Amassed 7 (or 8) pages all up for comprehension but would be happy with 11/15.
  2. N

    something interesting I found for the 1 vs 2 related texts

    you can dude, just snap your elbow or sumfin. worked for me. nah jks seriously if u have a broken arm or something they let you type (dont ask how).
  3. N

    12 units!! how wud it affect my UAI

    man how can u do physics etc and not go well at business? lol just give it a shot, even if u just do cramming night b4, i do business studies and its seriously not that hard, all u have to learn is the syllabus dot points? now im sure that aint too hard no?HSC means everything and if u can...
  4. N

    12 units!! how wud it affect my UAI

    yeh im in same situation with 2unit maths, shouldnt count for me unless i screw up other subjects hard *touch wood* but little bit of study and practice papers doesnt hurt does it? i say let the UAI dudes decide which of ur subjects should count
  5. N

    2006 UMAT results???

    Dont think ne can beat this... 1) 38 (0-20) 2) 47 (45) 3) 45 (30) say goodbye to med :) honestly did ne1 get lower than that?
  6. N

    CSSA History Extension

    wasnt too bad i guess. Thought historiography section was pretty hard question, crapped on for 9 pgs, lol probably shouldnt do that for HSC, and 2nd section was better looking at Rome's impact on provinces. Eh i dont care it was my last exam :)
  7. N

    CSSA Trial Exam 2006

    hm, overall i thought it was ok... think i screwed up the darwin/wallace quesiton coz i said the statement was accurate.didnt really answer the question. Did every1 else talk about Lamark and ppl prior to Darwin? Should be >75% but would have liked to nail it better
  8. N

    CSSA Business Trial Exam 2006

    ya i said owners or ceo for that stakeholder one... wasnt too bad, think i should get above last question i found hard to bs my case studies about, probably only get 16ish/20 overall though not that challenging, how many pgs did every1 write for section 3 and 4? i think i got to 7 and...
  9. N

    CSSA Trial

    man why didnt you do senates role??? you could incorporate like everything into it
  10. N

    CSSA Trial

    hm, wasnt too bad, lol screwed up Pompeii and Herculaneum section lucky that sections only worth 5% all up in our school. talked bout fiorelli, dont know whether ill get nailed or not....Rest of paper was common knowledge eh? Yes alcman was a spartan poet who loved horses lol
  11. N

    CSSA 2006 Trial

    ya was hard eh? be happy with 60-70/120. Snapped when after i left the room i made the radius of the sketched circle 4 haha
  12. N

    Paper 2 : MODULES, So? How'd you go?

    I just structure mine around common issues and themes ie materialism and idealism, shove quotes under each one and answer the question, integrating contextual influences within. Worked fine yesterday for BNW, speeches and powerplay :) But yeh, you probably should have a predetermined structure.
  13. N

    Paper 2 : MODULES, So? How'd you go?

    like the journeys one, pretty straight forward. Impressed with how smooth it went considering the amount of preparation i put in :)
  14. N

    Well I don't think that could have been anymore straight forward

    lol was thinking about using that very technique then im like stuff it, ill just stick with first person perspective haha
  15. N

    Well I don't think that could have been anymore straight forward

    agreed...any prepared response could answer part 3, creative writing gave u heaps of options and part 1 seemed no worries....except for that stoopid story at the end haha
  16. N

    good luck in the UMAT! :)

    Was pretty damn hard, the last section was terrible, i wish the whole test couldve been section 2 :(
  17. N

    series help- Time payments

    is there any unoffical forumla/equation to work time payments out? or maybe a simplified way. we just started that topic and, as confirmed by your working out, it looks unnessesarily tedious...
  18. N

    Exponential Question

    lol its in a 3unit mathematics book but we get tested on it
  19. N

    Exponential Question

    thanks heaps..just started the topic for 2unit trying to my head around it got a couple more this time with integration... i normally just recipracol the derivative but cant get these ones xe^x^2 dx between 2 and 1 and Find the area bounded by the curve y= e^x, the x and y axes, and...
  20. N

    Exponential Question

    yeh got a couple of Q's as well, cheers Find first derivative of e^x + 1/e^-x - 1 and f(x)=(1 + 2x)e^3x, find f'(2) and f''(0)