Search results

  1. R

    1,2,3 or four?

    I would do option one. If it guarantees you into architecture 2nd year, why not? Plus, it's so close to home.
  2. R

    Grade Point Average?

    5 is a credit and if you are enrolled in usyd/unsw, credit has a weighted average mark (WAM) of 65. Very achievable if you put in the effort by attending most tutes and doing a good cram at the end.
  3. R

    Speed reading for law

    Hmmm, I don't think any logical person would argue in the Foundations of Law class by saying 'because the bible says so'. I'm Christian myself and I never use God as a basis for argument with friends. Religion is too subjective and I usually don't tell people my religion openly because I don't...
  4. R

    2U Maths as an assumed knowledge for Economics?

    I emailed the faculty before and they said to transfer to commerce you need a distinction average and ATAR>90. In all honesty, a high credit average would suffice. I have heard many success transfer stories for USyd before, read the commerce forums. You should do economics in USyd because...
  5. R

    Is it harder transferring from private unis than public?

    I would go with UWS, no point paying for a private uni (unless it's Ivy League).
  6. R

    Can you DEFER 2 courses?

    Oh in that case, email them or as the above post says, call them. I have heard UWS is pretty flexible too.
  7. R

    Commerce Dilemma

    I would pick the one that's closest to home and ones that have added benefits (scholarships?). But overall, I have heard that UNSW's commerce faculty is better than USyd.
  8. R

    how long b4 u start a corse can u transefer?

    It depends what course you want to transfer in, and which uni you want to transfer to. Certain universities have mid year entry for certain courses. Check the UAC site around April for more information.
  9. R

    Can you DEFER 2 courses?

    If you read it carefully, it says you can hold both your UWS main round offer and USyd feb round offer. Holding multiple deferments from other universities does not affect your University of Sydney deferment. However, if in the main round (first offer), you get a USyd offer say "Arts', you...
  10. R

    Unsw law

    Hey hun, I'm sorry to hear that. Don't beat yourself up about it. Just do commerce in UNSW and get wam above 75 or 70 (?) for the guaranteed entry. That's what I did, and I got into USyd with a GPA of 6.25, WAM of 79.50. With your extremely high ATAR, you probably just need a credit average...
  11. R

    Law/International Studies at UNSW or USYD?

    Hey hun, if USyd is closer to home and you have a scholarship, why not go to USyd? Nothing beats a scholarship and also pretty sandstone buildings :P Don't worry, there are plenty of high achievers in UNSW and it is really great uni. It's just the money and travelling convenience would be my...
  12. R

    Int Studies/Law: UNSW or USYD?

    wow you got law offers from both UNSW and USyd? Nice. Sorry, I can't help you with your question.
  13. R

    Unsw law

    Hey OP, I really hope you got a second round offer today :)
  14. R

    Day vs. evening classes.

    I like 10am classes. Night classes are really bad for me, I can't stay awake.
  15. R

    Netbooks for uni

    Do they sell 9 cell netbooks here? I was thinking of getting a 9 cell if the shops had it. If not, I'll wait a few for months and save up.
  16. R

    Sydney University Law 2010 Roll Call

    The cutoff pdf says there's no vacancies. There might be a few free spots. But honestly, no one in their right mind would give up a USyd law spot unless they are interstate students who got a place in their home state. But I'm hoping one of my best mates would get in 2nd round.
  17. R

    New Crest

    The old logo looks so posh and refined. The new one, as someone above mentioned, looks like a soccer logo. Nay for me.
  18. R

    Extra studying apart from Uni commitments

    Yes it is still 4 units, but it's the law part they are worried about. It definitely requires more effort to get a distinction than commerce courses. In addition, I'm moving to Sydney and living on-campus. So they're worried about the new environment too.
  19. R

    Extra studying apart from Uni commitments

    Yep, my parents actually share your sentiments. They are against me taking up a german language course. Rather, they want me to wait for one semester, see how things go and whether I can cope with a double degree.
  20. R

    Here's an interesting question.

    Not marijuana but alcohol. One of my best mates drank so much every fortnight, went clubbing, had a maccas job and got a 99.85 ENTER.