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  1. B

    Semester 1 UNSW Chatter Thread

    What should I do on the first day? I only have two periods at 9-10 and another one 5-6 which leaves a big gap in the middle lol.
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    The right to bear arms

    police and the army sure can have people with brain not as "big" as yours but they're mostly well trained in dealing with dangerous situations + they're well trained in using a freaking gun, not aimlessly shooting it
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    Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

    Re: Merry Christmas! I was never a Chrismas person but Merry Chrismas everyone!!!
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    Who here is heading to UNSW in 2012?

    Prob Advanced Science since it has a higher ATAR cutoff? but Advanced Science is much more flexible than both course anway, the only reason Medicine has a higher ATAR because there are much more people want to do it.
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    Studying in the holidays

    bro chill, you don't need to study during the holiday, just revise a bit during the last week. I didn't do shit last year, (though i did say that i was going to full study during the holiday :/). What you need is not study during your break, but stay consistent throughout the year (i regret...
  6. B

    Who's joining Kpop society at UNSW?

    Most of the modern pop are crap, only some of them are worth listening too. People are attacking kpop only because they don't digg enough to kpop to get some good songs, but i have to admit, most of them are really terrible,.... or maybe it is just my taste :/ P.S. Just in case ur wondering, my...
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    UNSW Science (Advanced Mathematics) Majors: Applied Mathematics vs Advanced Science

    Which one do you guys think have a better career options (in terms of number of options, stress and money ofc)? Currently i'm leaning a bit toward Applied Mathematics mainly because (correct me if i'm wrong) statistics's career options seems to alway revolve around business, commerce, survey...
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    Who's joining Kpop society at UNSW?

    How many legit koreans are in that society? I'm not joining but just curious.
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    Hi, i'm an international student and I was trying to accept my offer through myUNSW and they...

    Hi, i'm an international student and I was trying to accept my offer through myUNSW and they asked for my UNSW ID. They said it's located at the top right of the "Offer Letter" that i'm supposed to have. However, i ony have the "Course Offer Summary" and "Offer of Admission" that was sent...
  10. B

    Letter of Offer?

    When i was logging in, they were asking for a UNSW ID that is supposed to be on the top right of "The Letter of Offer". None of those doc they sent me (Offer summary, Admission of Offer) have any kind of ID on them so i think they're going to send me something in the next few days, just not sure...
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    Letter of Offer?

    ^ Do i need that letter or am i missing something?
  12. B

    Letter of Offer?

    So they sent me an Offer summary and Offer of Admission on UAC, and a bunch of random stuff (usb, free hat, UNSW guide etc.) in my mailbox, do i have to wait for the Letter of Offer? Cause i need a UNSW ID to sign in myUNSW to accept my offer and it's SUPPOSED to be in that letter.
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    Who here is heading to UNSW in 2012?

    B Science (Advaced Mathematics)
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    that's what i'm trying to say.
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    Well, i got two offers, first one is for UNSW and the other one is UTS. The first for UNSW is my legit offer, while the UTS prob offer me (being my 6th preference) because they want more people in.
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    For all those who got 90+ ATARS....

    well can't really say i was hard working, sc2, facebook, etc. You should study consistent through out the year to not ended up sleepless the nights before the exam, like me.
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    This is for international students only, if ur domestic, you'll have to wait till the Main Round Offer early Jan.
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    i know lol but his joke's logic made no sense at all.
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    hmm, what exactly do you mean?