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    Emma/Clueless, W.B Yeats or Antony and Cleopatra... Thoughts??

    Hey! Yeah i do Emma/Clueless and Antony and Cleo too. I did think the paper was pretty good. I was happy with english all over. Hopingextension one is good too. my esssays fit perfectly =] but i hope i answered the question lol. i do blab too. but my blabbing normally still gives me good marks...
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    Maguc Mountain Resort- Schoolies 07

    Yuppppp.. =] Theres two rooms of us from Port. =] CANNOT WAIT!
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    2007 Port Macquarie whos going and where u staying (my bday 26/11/89 fuck yeah)

    Yupp, I live there too =] Well the beaches are awesome here most of the time =] The clubs etc rnt great, but hey make your own fun. Its schoolies. Everyones gunna be drunk pretty muhc the whole time anyway lol. so you'll have fun =] and a good birthday im off to gld coast too =] cannot wait!
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    Port Macquarie

    I Live in Port. But We are heading up to Gold Coast =] The beaches n stuff are awesomee here But the clubs etc aren't that great. im sure you'll still have a blast but =]
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    General Thoughts - Chemistry

    Re: Exam Thoughts I agree. I hate Chem. I'd rather write 20 essays than do a chem exam lol. I guess i didnt study much anyway. I dont think it will count for me. I hope it doesnt count. lol But i screwed up ALL the calculations =[ i thought the multiple choice were good i have seen harder...
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    Frantically panicking or well prepared?

    I was in between. Half prepared. And also frantically panicking. lol But in the exam it was okay. freaked out beforehand, but remembered everything =]
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    Paper 2 Section 2 Module B

    I agree =] This was my best section. Powerplays and Emma/Clueless threw me a little. But i think i did okay. My Essaay fit perfectlyyyyyy =] I did Lincolns "Government of the People, By the People, for the people" and Keatings "Funeral Service of the Unknown Australian Soldier <br> I spoke of...
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    Malouf, WW, Kane and PP? Anyone do these??

    I pretty much did the same thing as you. I had a really good essay prepared. And remembered it all. and then sorta just kept linking it to the question etc. I wasnt expecting any of those questions. Still think i did okay. Managed to alomost fill 2 books. with big writing, i prepared about 1400...
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    Section 3

    i see where your coming from but thats your interpretation, everyone interprets differently and a lot of people on all the threads interpreted it as obstacles too i guess if its fluent and backed up will it will be fine =] The texts i used fit it perfectly i used leaving home/CTRS/journeys ove...
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    Section 3

    i see where your coming from The texts i used fit it perfectly i used leaving home/CTRS/journeys ove rland and sea and related.. My teachers all interpreted it the way we did. I mean detours - challenges/obstacles. Its all the same kind of thing. instead of writing obstacles i just wrote...
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    Supplementary Material

    I used 'Journeys Over Land And Sea" and Robyn Davidsons Travel Article "The Getting There" They Fit perfectlyyyyy =] Stoked.
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    Supplementary Material

    I used 'Journeys Over Land And Sea" and Robyn Davidsons Travel Article "The Getting There" They Fit perfectlyyyyy =] Stoked.
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    Physical Journey: Unexpected Detours

    I too felt like cheering in reading time, I read the creative and essay first =] Then read Section One and was like 'oh okay, ill leave that til the end' The question 'unexpected detours' was perfeccccccctttt =] i was stoked. our teacher prepared us perfectly =] He constantly talked about...
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    Section 2 - Who used quote as central idea, who just slotted the quote in somewhere?

    Well I used the second One. My story fit pretttyyy well... Just had to manipulate it a bit. I agree but, they should have come up with different stimuluses. I pretty much just slotted it in. Quoted it towards the end My moment or 'realisation' lol i guess if the story is good enough, they wont...
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    Section 3

    Okay, So section Three was perfectttttttttt =] i was stoked. Our teacher prepared us perfectly =] He's a champpppp =] he focused on physical journeys and challenges/obstacles They are pretttyy much the same as detours So i just manipulated my essay a bit =] Filled 2 exam booklets. And yes my...
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    Section 1

    Okay, so i thought the paper in general was good Namingly Sections 2 and 3. But Section One =[ I've never gotten lower than 14/15 before. Looks like it Happened yesterday lol. I onyl left myself with 30 minutes to do it But text Three was a load of crap. what was that guy smoking? i bullshitted...
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    General Thoughts - English Paper 1 2007

    I thought the exam was a fairly good exam =] My Essay and Creative Writing fit perfectly =] Section One however, was a different story... text THREE WAT THE HELL! (and yes, thats capitals because im yelling!) Even the few of the kids in my extension2 class thought that sucked!! I was pretty...
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    General Thoughts - English Paper 1 2007

    I thought the exam was a fairly good exam =] My Essay and Creative Writing fit perfectly =] Section One however, was a different story... text THREE WAT THE HELL! (and yes, thats capitals because im yelling!) Even the few of the kids in my extension2 class thought that sucked!! I was pretty...
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    The McDonald's Thread

    Re: McDonalds Wages i think im on the old wage but.. so i dunno bout the new one with the IR laws... but yer they train u pretty good i guess.. and ive been there like 2 years, at our age we cant be too picky! have fun!
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    The McDonald's Thread

    Re: McDonalds Wages hey, yer i work at maccas. Im 18, and i get 12.50 an hour im pretty sure. and i get like 18.50 an hour on sundays, and like double time n a half on public hols. maccas is ok, not the best, but better than a lot of other places 2 work!