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  1. C

    Can I use an expired passport as ID?

    By law expired passports that haven't been cancelled and have been valid in the last 2 years are valid ID. (70 pts)
  2. C

    Post Your 2015 University Offers Here

    B Medical Science (UWS) B Forensic Biology (UTS) Going with the latter.
  3. C

    How long does it take you to travel to uni?

    1 hour and some change with pub transport.
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    Journey to dental school (ongoing)

    My career goal is medicine but I 100% could not agree more. I'm sure you'll do some great stuff with a will such as yours, and hopefully raise awareness of this oft-glossed over fact.
  5. C

    New UTS business building

    Your timetables should already have the new buildings if your class is assigned to it. (e.g. I am a Science student and my timetable already shows me in the new Thomas St Building).
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    Look up your unit in the handbook, click on "detailed subject description" and right at the bottom will be the recommended and prescribed textbooks.
  7. C

    Contacting UTS for HELP with TIMETABLE

    You can't get a change approved generally unless it's an important clash, and even then you have to wait for the eRequest to go through. From what I've seen for "it's not convenient for me" situations they'll tell you to do it in another semester.
  8. C

    UTS 2015 timetable

    Not the best but as a late enrol I'll take it.
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    Mum charged for slapping son

    Hardly. You're teaching them discipline. If they grow up thinking that it's because your parenting is screwed up, not the physical aspect itself.
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    Lindt Sydney siege victims sign deals with Channel 7 and Channel 9

    In Australia it is illegal to profit from crime you have been directly involved in. (i.e. you can't sell an autobiography about your "big heist" for example or be paid for an interview directly pertaining to the crimes). Usually that money is seized and funds victims of crime, etc.
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    UTS 2015 Rollcall

    Just got an offer for forensic biology! :D
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    Will I get an offer

    What about Feb round 3 and 4?
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    Two degrees how to withdraw

    Why don't you contact your uni's student services?
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    accepting feb round offer 1

    Honestly never held one in limbo like that. Unless you want nasty surprises I'd still be ringing them tomorrow. Different unis have different policies.
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    accepting feb round offer 1

    If you fully enrolled at UOW you would have to withdraw. I would ring their student office.
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    Is anyone going to UWS this year?

    Going to try to. But I got invited for a UTS aptitude test on the same day at 10am. My appt is 12pm at Campbelltown. We'll see how timing goes I guess.
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    Travel Concession for this year?

    That's just it, I'll be going to uni a bunch (pretty much every workday) as of next week for bridging courses. They specifically said no opals for a while, but that sounded like they pulled it out of their arse on the phone.
  18. C

    Travel Concession for this year?

    I called student central (didn't want to go to uni unless I know I'm going to get the conc, it's 2 hours away) and asked about travel concessions and they said not until late Feb? Surely that can't be right. Other students were already talking about how they got theirs. Anyone know if the rep...