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    Where to find gangas at uts?

    HAHA what a thread ! Are there any hot girls at UTS LOL ? Last time i heard, apparently there wasnt much There goes my hopes of enjoying my time at UTS -_- Any opinions from UTS students ?
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    University Choice Help ??

    well i want to do engineering LOL, the business degree is just an extra sort of thing, which comes at an extra one year only. But is UTS really that bad ? i want to enjoy 5 years of my life !! LOL
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    general maths - Good stuff :D

    hey, does anyone have any past papers for general maths ? Willing to trade, if not post up for everyone !! Thanks
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    University Choice Help ??

    anyone keen to help out ? LOL
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    University Choice Help ??

    hey everyone ! im currently looking to do bachelor of engineering and bachelor or business/commerce The two uni's that appealed most to me were UTS and USYD. However i need your help. I need to make a choice at which uni i want to go to. the only reason why im somewhat against UTS is...
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    what to pick for UNI

    honestly, id prefer to do the engineering and commerce at syd uni. Although it needs a 96 or so, i dont doubt myself The only issue i have is whether the commerce extra will be of any signifiance to my future career of being an engineer. Project management and enginnering on the other hand go...
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    what to pick for UNI

    good morning people ! im currently in year 12, looking to do engineering at either UNSW or USYD Which uni do you think i should pick Also im considering double degreeing in either Engineering/project management USYD OR Engineering/commerce ? UNSW or USYD Im thinking of doing the first...
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    Course choice ? Help !

    any help from anyone ? LOL -_-
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    Course choice ? Help !

    Good afternoon people ! im a year 12 student, who needs help with university degree choices. I want to pick one of the following: Double degree engineering/project management (usyd) Double degree engineering/business (macquarie) Double degree engineering/commerce (UTS) Im not...
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    Bonus marks ?

    Good afternooon people !! Im currently in year 12 and i heard about "bonus marks" ? What are they ? and can i get any ? Are theyre any websites that will help me calculate the bonus marks i can get ? Thanks for your help
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    Business Studies Notes ? anyone feeling generous

    Iv done that many times, but i can only find one set of notes that are outdated. Have you found any ? Thanks for the reply :) BTW, if you have found some that im unaware of, could you please PM me the link ?
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    Business Studies Notes ? anyone feeling generous

    Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, After typing out a bit of my business studies notes, iv found that its useless and consuming many hours of study where i could use elsewhere Does anyone want to share their notes on the topics? I can trade some notes for past papers for quite a few...
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    Job details

    Hey everyone i currently have a job at mcdonalds but its soo repetitive that im going to die in that cave Anyway im looking to get a better job at places like target, kmart, woolworths, bigw, insport , chemists e.t.c However i need YOUR help If anyone has been apart of these jobs or...
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    Double Degree- Project Management & Engineering HELP?

    hey everyone ! i need help, im currently in year 12 however i have a few questions in regards to uni First if all, how many hours will i be doing a week if participate in a double degree couse (roughly)? Has anyone done/doing this course? any recommendations and comments ? And...
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    Language Techiques ?!

    Hey people ! does anyone have a acronym/abbreviation for the main language techniques ? HAHA, it makes things soo much easier to remember ! Thanks in advance :)
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    How to write a Business Report !?

    Hey Everyone ! How do you write a business report ? im struggling to write them good and my teacher marks very harshly :$ If you have any ideas, or template or websites that help, please paste them below :) Thanks in advanced :)
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    Couse help ?! and uni help "D

    HEY GUYS ! was wondering if anyone could give me any opinion or feedback from being in/ heard of these uni courses Im a year 12 student and trying to decide what to do for next year :( Either bachelor of business/ bachelor of engineering (double degree) at uts or Bachelor of engineering/...
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    Context diagrams and DFD's :( Help !?

    Can someone please explain how to do context diagrams and dfd's in a clear logical manner i seem to struggle with them and i have a exam soon about them and i need to settle this confusion ASAP :D And any tips or even youtube tutorials will be greatly appreciated Thanks in advance
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    How to study and remember content ?!

    Hey :) im in year 12 and i have all my notes for my subjects. However, HOW DO YOU STUDY AND REMEMBER THE CONTENT YOU NEED ? im struggling to remeber content despite the fact i listen in class and occasionaly do my homework haha :$ And if anyone has any tips, feel free to post Thanks...