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  1. undalay


    Introduction to disciplines: Chem, Civil, AMME. Can anyone give an outline of what will be in the final exam? Specifics would be much appreciated.
  2. undalay

    projectile motion..

    u(y) = 0 s(y) = ut + 1/2 at^2 s = 24t + 4.8t^2 s is the vertical displacement from its initial location. If you just sub in s=50 here, that will find the time for it to reach 100m. To find the time it takes to reach the ground, you need to sub in s = -50 I would do the rest but I take that's...
  3. undalay

    Should polygamous marriages be legal?

    I know what the difference of the words mean. I meant what is the difference in regards to rights. Why even bother getting married? (save tradition, etc ,etc )
  4. undalay

    Scaling system

    There's no need to be pedantic. I'm merely reflecting the wording of the OP
  5. undalay


    Correlation does not imply causation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  6. undalay

    Iz the TPG internet service(50 bux 4 50 gigz) a good offer?

    I think (not sure) the offer is over? I think it's 50 gigs for $60 now. Someone want to correct me.
  7. undalay

    Should polygamous marriages be legal?

    Would someone like to enlighten me in regards to the differences between marriages and de facto relationships? It seems pretty the same to me, save the extra piece of paper you get.
  8. undalay


    I'm pretty sure most athiests are like that. If god comes to visit them in the night, I'm sure they'll become a "believer" too. The term agnostic is overused. It pisses me off. It should be as following: Thiesm: If you believe in a god. Athiesm: If you don't believe in a god. agnosticism...
  9. undalay

    Scaling system

    It terms of pure scaling you are correct. However in terms in relative scaling. MX1 and the subjects listed by iRuler all scale up. Since UAI is really just a rank, only relative scaling matters.
  10. undalay

    Should polygamous marriages be legal?

    wait wait. More like. Should marriages be legal? Pros ? Cons?
  11. undalay


    I'm saying tutoring will gives you marks. That is its primary motivation, not to give you knowledge per se. There is a difference.
  12. undalay

    Maths in Engineering

    That's only if you have a background in calculus/vectors
  13. undalay


    It means that my results are based off my own understanding of the content, rather than the regurgitation of "knowledge" bestowed upon me by others. It means that i have a deep understanding of the content at a level where we can have a meaningful discussion, and I will be able to answer any...
  14. undalay

    in a bad situation atm!! >_> need some advice =(

    Really? I'd be flattered.
  15. undalay

    in a bad situation atm!! >_> need some advice =(

    Which one's better looking?
  16. undalay

    Calculating potential difference

    You do not need to double the voltage to balance it. Even if its 10 Ag, you don't need to increase the voltage.
  17. undalay

    Heeeey guys ^ ^ help?

    90+ Is very achievable. Do MX2 if you're good at math and like it. Don't do eco if u don't like it, scaling won't help if u don't do well. Do arts since you like it : )