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  1. undalay

    A large number of Forensic Practicals

    Calculations are free markkzz
  2. undalay

    Multi choice Q15

    Yes. It is known as the relativistic doppler effect. However, taking into account this doppler effect the time interval should be exactly 1 second. However (D) was only 0.78 seconds, so I assume BOS did not want us to take this into account.
  3. undalay

    The real CONFIRMED mc answers

    lolz. Special relativity questions are always subject to confusion and the answer can differ greatly based on how it is worded. If you want something interesting wikipedia "twins paradox" then scroll down to "What it looks like: the relativistic Doppler shift" see...
  4. undalay

    Conservation of momentum rocket question

    Momentum of expelled gases = momentum gained by ship. Momentum of expelled gasses = 1000x1000 = 1,000,000 1,000,000 = momentum gained by ship 1,000,000 = 49 000 x V (50,000kg - 1000kg from expelled gases) V = 20.41 total velocity = initial velocity + velocity gained =100+20.41 =120.41
  5. undalay

    Does God exist?

    well fuck, I'm just sitting here unsatisfied ) :
  6. undalay

    Does God exist?

  7. undalay

    Does God exist?

    So no reply to me proposal that an omnipotent god and free will cannot exist?
  8. undalay

    Does God exist?

    How can God be omnipotent but not know of the future actions of his people. If God knows all, he knows the decisions that people will do, thus free will does not exist, and thus determinsm does. An omnipotent god and free will can not exist. The others presented case four, and case 5, etc etc...
  9. undalay

    State Ranking

    Well I hope you're right about 82+ namu. I still disagree, but thats just a personal opinion and I can see where you guys are coming from.
  10. undalay

    State Ranking

    Hard is the general consensus for the majority of the cohort. For the upper tier, it is considered easy. For example the 2007 paper, the final question you had to sub in m=1 to find the interval of the projectile. There are no tricks in the 2008 paper.
  11. undalay

    State Ranking

    I don't see why not, the test was very straight forward. No tricks.
  12. undalay

    State Ranking

    Unlikely, that test was straightforward, there will be plenty of 100%s. (refering to state ranking in MX1) and im pretty sure midi was being sarcastic.
  13. undalay

    Advantages/Disadvantages of doing B Education.

    Re: Advantages/Disadvantages of doing B Eduction. i mentioneed it ):
  14. undalay

    Advantages/Disadvantages of doing B Education.

    Re: Advantages/Disadvantages of doing B Eduction. u crack me up conics ahaha. Anyway teaching: Adv: Fun?, Less hours, more holidays, don't get sacked even if u suck, good job security Dis: Not fulfilling (to some), not challenging, low pay, not a lot of opportunities
  15. undalay

    Chadwick and the neutron.

    This is correct. There's more to it though.
  16. undalay

    If you want to complain about blatant Ruse cheating

    Is this thread legit or am I being trolled.
  17. undalay


    You can flip it around.
  18. undalay

    Probably stupid questions.

  19. undalay

    Probably stupid questions.

    1. A uai of * (asterisk) denotes an uai less then 30. 2. Schools are not given uais
  20. undalay

    Crossed out answers

    I am told, markers are not allowed to give marks (and not suppose to even read) crossed out sections.