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  1. L

    $20 reward if u can help me with this question

    for the second one, you have to answer it interms of context, it's about how the poetry is able to be appreciated in a modern context as well as the original context. you like use a love poem like sunne rising and its relation to sex and stuff and how it can still be ysed to represent young...
  2. L

    hamlet/RAGAD...appearance VS reality

    ok this is ow i see it... the whole getting pulled in and out of the play, represents illusion v reality coz they are like experiencing two different worlds, which one is real which is illusion, they are controlled by the reality of Hamlet, but it is sort of just illusion in their reality. that...
  3. L

    Remembering ALL text?

    i think if they are goin to specify they will specify one and let you choose the other, from what ive seen thas what theyd do, but usually they dont specify
  4. L

    Canberra accomodation

    i was just wonderin if anyone else had got the information pack or woteva to apply for accomodation, coz i havent and i was wonderin whether i was the only one or not
  5. L


    anyone who didnt go, missed out!!! it was totally awesome!! i agree that never pay retail and compliments of gus, and the lads were all really great... im not too sure about antiskeptic coz the ppl i was with didnt like it, bit too heavy for them or something
  6. L

    Powerplay Supplementary Texts???

    i'm doin 1984, as my main text and i have a distinct lack of supplementary texts!!! can anyone help me???? i have no idea what to use, and cant remember what ones i used for my trial!!!
  7. L

    whats the best & worst concert / live act you've ever been to?

    best: never pay retail at blackstump this year, or the whitlams at panthers a few years ago worst:hmm... probably performances by some of the bands at my school, man they sucked!!!!
  8. L

    i am in awe!

    you ar definitely not the only one!! and i cant find anythin to motivate me, i keep thinkin, its ok i only need and 81 uai, then im like oh crap maybe i do have to work anyway, especially on maths, but then i sit down to study and i end up listenin to music and daydreamin!!!!!
  9. L

    Changing Self: Related Materials?

    i use sky high, as my text from the stimulus booklet, and then six degrees of seperation, which is another text on the list and the movie gattaca. both the supplementary texts represent someone tryin to find their identity which is sort of like what sally is doin through her book and...
  10. L


    UWS is one of the best unis for teaching and the best for like acting and performance stuff!!! while i dont have uws is one of my lowest preferences, it is because it doesnt offer the course that i want to do! all you snobs from the inner city and stuff really need to lower your noses bocause it...
  11. L

    HSC question

    we did that as an assessment task, but generally, i do the food product develoopment question coz there's not as much to know and it is usually easier, in my opinion anyway.
  12. L

    Does anyone live near ....

    im from Penrith, and while one of my friends has horses, i have yet to see a cow anywhere other than in school ag plots!!! So I dont know what these city folk think, but maybe they should explore the world!!! Although Penrith is a hole so i wouldnt come out here anytime soon! the only thing...
  13. L

    Muckup Day/Week: Ideas, Photos Etc

    We arent allowed muck up day, ever since they put up road kill around the school, and then locked some little chickens in the art block and half of them died. However, apparently a couple of years ago at McCarthy ( I go to Penrith High), they got some of the sheep from their ag plot, painted...
  14. L

    Spill ur trial marks here

    I got 38%, however, our grade average was about that and the test was so hard that some of the questions even the maths teachers couldnt do!!!! how crap is that!!! Stupid teachers! What is with the scaling of your trial marks, isnt the board of studies supposed to do that in line with your exam...
  15. L

    Trial Marks?

    We did the one that was set by the selective high teachers, i go to Penrith, and i got 72, we just got it back this afternoon.
  16. L

    Kollontai v Trotsky

    yeah we are doin kollontai, and i think she's a bit weird, crazy feminist infact, but at least she's more interesting than trotsky and had hundreds of love affairs, so that makes it interesting ... yay, free love!
  17. L

    Sports Degrees

    Is anyone else considering a sports degree, like Sports and Exercise Management at UTS or any of the ones at Canberra, coz I don't know anyone else who wants to do them and whether I'm like the only one or what??????