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  1. L

    zinc monitoring

    okiez, I have to do a thingy about the effects of zinc on the environment and people and why we have to monitor it , and all I can find is stuff about how zinc is so good and it helps you grow normally and stuff, which is rather fustrating :mad1: . Just wondering if anyone knows where I can find...
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    ok, the question is this; Gemma bought some So White brand washing powder and noticed on the packet that it claimed to contain a maximum of 6.5g of P per wash. The recommended amount per wash is 3/4 cup, which weighs 100g. She decided to test the manufacturer's claim. On investigation, she found...
  3. L

    lead and mercury monitoring

    okiez, I have to answer this " Gather, process and present information to describe and explain evidence for the need to monitor levels of one of the above ions in substances used in society" in relation to lead and mercury, everyone in my class has different elements and it's getting...
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    Melting point

    Dude, I so read that wrong, for some strange reason I thought you wanted the highest not the bad :p . In that case though, as everyone has said the answer is a
  5. L

    Affects on UAI

    Okiez, I'm not quite sure if this is the right place to post this lolz, but hopefully someone can help me anyway. I am hoping to get a UAI of 84 to get in to bachelor of science - psychology, I am currently doing 2 unit maths,standard english,chemistry,legal studies,business studies and...
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    Melting point

    If you go to this link - all the element melting pts u wanted are there, I would say the answer would be c, but that is based on the fact that you have S8 and I think that means you have to times the mpt by 8 coz there's more sulfur or...
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    what is a bronsted lowry acid or base?

    According to the Bronsted-Lowry theory; An acid is a proton doner ie/it gives up a proton A base is a proton acceptor ie/it readily gains a proton :) How to work it out depends on the question, what was the question?
  8. L

    Multiple choice questions

    I was also thinking C for q 1, but didn't know much about ammonia either, wikipedia has cleared that up :) "The ammonium ion can act as a very weak acid in the sense that it can protonate a stronger base using any one of its hydrogen ( H ) atoms and convert back to ammonia." So q 1 has to be C...
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    Half yearly

    I finished mine today - thank god- not too sure how i went in economics, but I know I passed business and chem coz' my teachers told me YAY yea maths (2 unit) was ok,I think, and legal and english were pretty easy. I don't really care right now - 5 days off lolz :)
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    Help Needed Urgently - Locus

    Thankyou HEAPS for that, helped heaps, I was just doin questions and going yea but what the hell am I actually finding lolz hopeless, thanx again.
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    Help Needed Urgently - Locus

    what the hell IS a locus? is it just a point? half yrly tomorrow so any help would be very much appreciated :bomb:
  12. L

    Wilfred Owen speech

    I have a assessment speech on monday on Wilfred Owen, the question is; "composers have the power to engage the interest of their readers. How does your composer achieve this?" I have chosen to do Futility and Anthem for Doomed Youth, would i basically just have to do the what and how stuff...
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    lolz.. I'm glad it helped, i nearly didn't reply coz' I thought it was wrong!
  14. L


    Okiez, kinda touched on this in prelim. Firstly, yes endothermic reactions will be positive. Secondly, kJ/mol issue, now we didn't do this BUT i have found an example, i don't know if it will help but hey. eg/ 2g of a salt, of molecular weight 50, is dissolved in 100mL of water in a...
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    Criminal Procedure....

    Dude, technically, or according to mine and nermina's brain it means the court procedure eg/ commiting the crime, pleads guilty not guilty,senencing blah blah - the diagram he made us draw. BUT according to him - when nermina asked - you have to include EVERYTHING such as court personell and...
  16. L

    Human rights and state sovereignty

    okiez i need to know an example of a human rights abuse and how state sovereignty has helped/hindered the situation. i have done an example of it but only got 3 1/2 out of 5, my eg was on Israel and trafficking of women basically i just outlined the issue and said that state sovereignty wasn't...
  17. L

    Crime: Quick Notes

    Thanks dudes for your notes, i had most of it but left a few things out, and seeing as though my legal 1/2 yearly is on thursday - extremely helpful :)
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    molar heat of combustion

    logical doesn't work for me :)
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    Extended responses

    Nope just study for 1/2 yrly and he said we should be able to come up with all of these incase one or two comes up in the test. It's only the topics that we've covered already. And yes i really do suck at economics, hence asking for example responses :bomb: Thanx for the links things by the way
  20. L

    molar heat of combustion

    DUDE, i had like nearly exactly the same question in my 1/2 yrly today, and am glad to say i done it right :). Even with the test out of the way, this info is really helpful, as i'm really bad at molar heat of combustion, so thankyou very muchly! :)