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  1. Chinmoku03

    Hardest Topic in 3unit?

    Re: 回复: Re: Hardest Topic in 3unit? Lol, SHM was the only part of physical world calculus that I didn't get the hang of from the beginning. Could be cos my phys teacher never really talked stuff that is in depth about it o.o That, and I'm always doing something different from my maths class...
  2. Chinmoku03

    Tips for 2008 HSC Class/Things You Wish You Knew Before Starting Your HSC

    Re: Things You Wish You Knew Before Starting Your HSC You guys can go there during study? o.O
  3. Chinmoku03

    Tips for 2007 HSC Class/Things You Wish You Knew Before Starting Your HSC

    Re: Things You Wish You Knew Before Starting Your HSC You guys can go there during study? o.O
  4. Chinmoku03


    Re: First Preferences? Nah, hate experiments cos I'm generally too uncoordinated. Prefer theory more XD Then again, everything in science has at least 1 experiment, I guess, so meh. Not like I'd do better in any other faculties XD
  5. Chinmoku03

    Celebrity/relatives of celebrity teachers

    Weird thing is that I recognise none of the famous people mentioned here, apart from the one I mentioned. Mark Latham sounds vaguely familiar, but still can't remember :S *Tries to recall XD
  6. Chinmoku03

    Tips for 2008 HSC Class/Things You Wish You Knew Before Starting Your HSC

    Re: Things You Wish You Knew Before Starting Your HSC Trying, but since biomed is postgrad, I'm trying to work out which engineering course would be more related and interesting at the same time. Looking over bioinformatics, I just noticed it's heavily based on computing x.x; Then again, I...
  7. Chinmoku03

    Tips for 2007 HSC Class/Things You Wish You Knew Before Starting Your HSC

    Re: Things You Wish You Knew Before Starting Your HSC Trying, but since biomed is postgrad, I'm trying to work out which engineering course would be more related and interesting at the same time. Looking over bioinformatics, I just noticed it's heavily based on computing x.x; Then again, I...
  8. Chinmoku03


    Re: First Preferences? O.O; *Gets all worried and agitated Lol yeah, everything in science sounds interesting to me until the day when I have to perform an experiment comes XD
  9. Chinmoku03

    Exams vs Assignments vs Speeches

    Assignments, then exams, then speeches Assignments are my fav cos you can spend as many long nights as you want making sure it's as perfect as you can make it XD Exam prep'ing just means lots of practising prior to it for me, so it's relatively easy if I'm motivated to do the practise <.<; I'm...
  10. Chinmoku03

    what do u wanna be?

    Reviving old threads seem to be the trend these days o.O Psychologist and/or something in biomed for me
  11. Chinmoku03

    Tips for 2007 HSC Class/Things You Wish You Knew Before Starting Your HSC

    Re: Things You Wish You Knew Before Starting Your HSC Nope, bio is recommended. I guess it depends on what kinda engo you're planning on specialising in. Also, now that I have checked the UAC guide, engo studies is recommended. But hell, I was bored all year round since we were learning about...
  12. Chinmoku03

    Tips for 2008 HSC Class/Things You Wish You Knew Before Starting Your HSC

    Re: Things You Wish You Knew Before Starting Your HSC Nope, bio is recommended. I guess it depends on what kinda engo you're planning on specialising in. Also, now that I have checked the UAC guide, engo studies is recommended. But hell, I was bored all year round since we were learning about...
  13. Chinmoku03


    Re: First Preferences? Biotech is under science, whereas bioinformatics and biomed are under engineering, so the latter two have a stronger focus on design, I guess o.o; From UNSW: Bioinformatics = Analysis of data generated by genome projects and post-genomic biology Biomed = Development of...
  14. Chinmoku03


    Re: First Preferences? Well, after sorting out the whole biomed dilemma, there's a noticeable change of preferences on my list >.>; 1) B Engineering (Bioinformatics)/B Science at UNSW 2) B Engineering/B Science at UNSW 3) B Medical Science at UNSW 4) B Science (Advanced Science) at UNSW 5) B...
  15. Chinmoku03

    Tips for 2008 HSC Class/Things You Wish You Knew Before Starting Your HSC

    Re: Things You Wish You Knew Before Starting Your HSC I was referring to myself XD
  16. Chinmoku03

    Tips for 2007 HSC Class/Things You Wish You Knew Before Starting Your HSC

    Re: Things You Wish You Knew Before Starting Your HSC I was referring to myself XD
  17. Chinmoku03

    How was your school day?

    Boring day -.-; Finished watching all episodes of Frontline. Other than that, was gonna give a friend the new set of weekly phys homework questions, but didn't see her after school, so meh
  18. Chinmoku03

    Tips for 2008 HSC Class/Things You Wish You Knew Before Starting Your HSC

    Re: Things You Wish You Knew Before Starting Your HSC Really? o.O I find Frontline more entertaining than Blade Runner and definitely more than King Lear, so it's fine with me XD *Is posting this during a study period on a school comp >.>;
  19. Chinmoku03

    Tips for 2007 HSC Class/Things You Wish You Knew Before Starting Your HSC

    Re: Things You Wish You Knew Before Starting Your HSC Really? o.O I find Frontline more entertaining than Blade Runner and definitely more than King Lear, so it's fine with me XD *Is posting this during a study period on a school comp >.>;
  20. Chinmoku03

    How was your school day?

    Alright, would stealing the loose handle that opens the school windows count then? XD