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  1. L

    2021 ATAR/HSC Marks

    ooh tough one don't think so cause a lot of people get 100
  2. L

    2021 ATAR/HSC Marks

    98 should def do it, 97 probs cut off but depends on your school and internals and stuff.
  3. L

    2021 ATAR/HSC Marks

    Unlucky @ahmed.f
  4. L

    2021 ATAR/HSC Marks

    Don't worry if you didn't do well. In about 3 weeks, nobody will care anymore
  5. L

    2021 ATAR/HSC Marks

    Legendary 99.95 man
  6. L

    2021 ATAR/HSC Marks

    Well lads I thought after the exam I would care a bit more about who got 99.95 but I find myself detached, not really caring about anything to do with NESA anymore
  7. L

    2021 ATAR/HSC Marks

    HSCninja gives higher than expected ATAR, Matrix a bit lower I believe so maybe average them or something lol
  8. L

    2021 ATAR/HSC Marks

    good job dude, I thought I messed it up and actually did so maybe I'm a seer or something idk
  9. L

    Who's doing an all nighter for results today?

    I might buy the actual paper jus t see where I messed up
  10. L

    Who's doing an all nighter for results today?

    Eco I screwed up a bit externally but thanks to a good rank managed to scrape a band 6 so I'm happy
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    Who's doing an all nighter for results today?

    I was accelerated in maths advanced, ext 1, chem Maths Extension: 48/50 Maths Ex2: 94 Chemistry: 91 Physics: 92 English: 95 Eco: 92
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    Who's doing an all nighter for results today?

    Indeed, everyone has done extraordinarily well just by getting through the pandemic. Congrats 2021 cohort
  13. L

    2021 ATAR/HSC Marks

    Dn't worry guys its done- we don't have to deal with any more NESA shit ever again
  14. L

    Who's doing an all nighter for results today?

    Well looks like I got screwed over a little but looking at a 99.5 ATAR from what I can see which, well, is what I wanted from the start
  15. L

    Who's doing an all nighter for results today?

    Well well well lads good to see you here
  16. L

    HONOUR ROLL Out Early??

    Oh one last thing.. in case you are ever in serious danger..
  17. L

    HONOUR ROLL Out Early??

    Now that @jimmysmith560 has replied.. I can finally rest peacefully. Goodnight lads... and good luck.
  18. L

    HONOUR ROLL Out Early??

    I have never been happier to see a BOS comment
  19. L

    HONOUR ROLL Out Early??

    I think he is..
  20. L

    2021 ATAR/HSC Marks

    Nothing compared to your 99.95 tho