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  1. N

    PDHPE Predictions/Thoughts

    idk abt u guys but the option questions i got were AMAZING i’m so happy they didn’t put anything abt developmental aspects or skills in attaining better health bc i did not memorise the syllabus for that improving performance questions were also pretty good, rlly happy they didn’t put anything...
  2. N

    PDHPE Predictions/Thoughts

    i hope so bc in terms of bio my memory isn't that good, but i usually explain what im talking about pretty well in relation to the question
  3. N

    PDHPE Predictions/Thoughts

    bio wont be that bad in terms of writing but my god the detail needed makes me cry i still remember the question i got 0/2 because i didn't put heterozygous in the definition despite everything else being correct not sure if it's marked that harshly in the hsc but my bio teacher is rough
  4. N

    PDHPE Predictions/Thoughts

    oh that's pretty good i hate the fact that exams are 3 hours, like in terms of sitting there it's not bad, but when you have a lot to write lifting your hand for stretch makes it difficult to get back to writing
  5. N

    PDHPE Predictions/Thoughts

    yea i think so too i mean as long as you have examples that connect well to your answer it's gonna be fine
  6. N

    PDHPE Predictions/Thoughts

    pdhpe exams online is hell. we didn't have trials at our school, but we wrote a lot of responses under exam like conditions and my eyes were failing me
  7. N

    PDHPE Predictions/Thoughts

    yea pdh is just a lot of writing like you can't even catch a break with 3 markers because the content asked has a lot and you don't even know where to start
  8. N

    PDHPE Predictions/Thoughts

    you guys count words? our teacher usually tells us to write 3-4 pages for 12 markers, and around 1.5-2 pages for 8 markers in options
  9. N

    PDHPE Predictions/Thoughts

    we've done so much ottawa charter content at school i have answers memorised lmao assessment of performance can go choke bc i actually don't remember anything from there, but i kinda like recovery strategies
  10. N

    PDHPE Predictions/Thoughts

    i feel like they're gonna give us the last dot point or major issues affecting the health of young people i honestly hope they don't bc those the last syllabus dot point is my worst
  11. N

    PDHPE Predictions/Thoughts

    oh it's interesting that you guys were able to pick your second option. did you have classes for the options you personally picked or was it mostly based off self-study? and yea last three questions usually come in either graph or table format, or something related to statistics in terms of core...
  12. N

    PDHPE Predictions/Thoughts

    tbh im kinda scared for the long responses our school picked improving performance and the health of young people, which is basically very similar to core one and core two, but i have no idea what they will throw at us multiple choice usually throws me off, especially with the last 3 questions...
  13. N

    Maths Standard 2 Thoughts

    it really was i was wondering whether my english was failing me or if the question was worded weirdly too many big words for one thing in one sentence i was losing it so i wrote whatever bs and moved on
  14. N

    Maths Standard 2 Thoughts

    the last three questions of section two kinda messed me up a bit that one question about the probability of a random variable in section 2 had me crying i hated it other than a few questions that i'm not completely sure about the overall exam was fine
  15. N

    Imagine if the HSC wasn’t postponed ..

    in terms of studying/having time i wouldn't feel that bad bc our school's management is fucked up and they completely ditched trials, so we would've had enough time but if it wasn't postponed i'd happy bc i wouldn't be spending the next month studying i wish they didn't delay it bc at this...
  16. N

    English Paper 2 Predictions & Thoughts

    that sounds like a remake of the beginning of 13 reasons why lmaooo
  17. N

    English Paper 2 Predictions & Thoughts

    i cant wait to wipe everything related to english off my laptop it’s gonna a blast
  18. N

    English Paper 2 Predictions & Thoughts

    mod b had me screwed over the amount of times i mentioned personal and intellectual is beyond me
  19. N

    English Paper 2 Predictions & Thoughts

    i’m wishing luck for everyone on paper 2 i just hope it was as good as paper 1 😭
  20. N

    mod c

    if they do ask persuasive im eating the paper whole that is the one thing our teacher didn't teach us properly