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  1. shoulfer


    I'm not sure
  2. shoulfer


    Science: zhangs HSC, Math: target coaching
  3. shoulfer

    BIOLOGY V ECONOMICS (subject selection)

    I do triple science not really a flex just stupid subject choices back in year 10 and Im suffering for it now.
  4. shoulfer

    Transferring from Bachelor of arts Bachelor of advanced studies (languages) to a Bachelor of Psychology USYD

    why do you want honours anyways its not much of a difference is it?
  5. shoulfer

    Transferring from Bachelor of arts Bachelor of advanced studies (languages) to a Bachelor of Psychology USYD

    if you are looking for pay I don think either are the best option
  6. shoulfer

    Transferring from Bachelor of arts Bachelor of advanced studies (languages) to a Bachelor of Psychology USYD

    what on earth compelled you to pick that degree combo 😭 😭 ZERO job prospects. even psychology is useless
  7. shoulfer

    BIOLOGY V ECONOMICS (subject selection)

    bio is trash DO NOT pick it
  8. shoulfer

    Year 7 Kurt Entrance Test

    slow down bro ur in year 7
  9. shoulfer

    Zhang HSC

    zhang's doesn't have an entrance exam, but they do have an end-of-term exam for each exam but that doesn't mean anything and is just for you to assess your own ability. not sure about Kurt's, i don't even know if they r still taking students for year 11.
  10. shoulfer

    Which subjects need tutoring

    just x1 and chem, but its really up to you on those 2 the other subjects are very manageable without
  11. shoulfer

    Zhang HSC

    zhangs is doing mod 4 right now for year 11 might as well join so you can get in all of year 12, its pretty good just know which teacher you are picking.
  12. shoulfer

    Sydney’s median house price to hit $2m, Perth $1m by 2027

    Then what are you complaining about mate????
  13. shoulfer

    99.90 ATAR resources for sale!

    Bruv i dont trust you 💯
  14. shoulfer

    hsc related suicides, iv heard about 20 this year

    Ohhhh.... Interesting 🧐🤔💭💡👆
  15. shoulfer

    4U Tutors?

  16. shoulfer

    4U Tutors?

    DO NOT my friend went there and he dropped from X1 to standard.
  17. shoulfer

    4U Tutors?

    Target Coaching BEST EVER!
  18. shoulfer

    bad atar scenario

    How insightful 💡🤔💭
  19. shoulfer

    bad atar scenario

    mate its lower than my school's median its not great.