Search results

  1. K

    why dont u be friends with omar?

    why dont u be friends with omar?
  2. K

    Yr 11 3unit = Yr 12 2unit ?

    yeahh this is the same as what i did in yr 11. with all the 2 unit work in yr 11 and 3 unit in yr 12 usually applies to people who are doing accelerated maths(:
  3. K


  4. K

    Ngawww..Jen don't u just feel loved!

    Ngawww..Jen don't u just feel loved!
  5. K

    the student rebellion cult??? --"

    the student rebellion cult??? --"
  6. K

    Pffft!!!! as if wood can beat rock ;p

    Pffft!!!! as if wood can beat rock ;p
  7. K

    cool my page has had 19 visits and i didnt do anything ;P stupid school's spacebars make me go...

    cool my page has had 19 visits and i didnt do anything ;P stupid school's spacebars make me go back and press the spacebar even harder --'
  8. K

    really?? idk!!!! you know how i am with technology

    really?? idk!!!! you know how i am with technology